[OpenSIPS-Users] mid_registar max-expires does not work as expected (3.0.0)

Peter Pulham peter at thesimworks.net
Sat Aug 17 16:00:07 EDT 2019


I have the following configuration for mid_registrar :

loadmodule "mid_registrar.so"
modparam("mid_registrar", "tcp_persistent_flag", "TCP_PERSIST")
modparam("mid_registrar", "mode", 2)
modparam("mid_registrar", "received_avp", "$avp(received_nh)")
modparam("mid_registrar", "max_expires", 20)
modparam("mid_registrar", "outgoing_expires", 3600)

When a register is received with an expires of say 1800, a register is sent
to the switch with an expires of 3600 as expected in the outgoing_expires
setting. However, when the OK is sent back to the client the expires
remains 1800 and does not change to 20.

Is this a misunderstanding of the configuration or a bug?
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