[OpenSIPS-Users] need some help using opensips 3.0 cluster module .

Liviu Chircu liviu at opensips.org
Fri Aug 2 07:46:23 EDT 2019

Exactly!  If we strictly obey RFC 3261, Sasmita's UA is basically saying:
"I do not support INVITE, do not bother sending such requests to me".  
Most likely,
it does support it, but it poorly builds the "Allow" header.

The above info on the "m" flag is also available in the save() flags 
docs [1].

[1]: https://opensips.org/html/docs/modules/3.0.x/registrar.html#func_save

Liviu Chircu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 02.08.2019 14:21, Johan De Clercq wrote:
> It filters on methods.  Liviu, correct me if I am wrong :-)

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