[OpenSIPS-Users] How to set advertised address in B2BUA module (b2b_logic)

Hamid Hashmi hamid2kviii at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 4 08:54:44 EDT 2019


I need to set advertised address in b2b_init_request("Top Hiding") function. so that the request going out must have public IP while it uses private IP for inter-network communication.

I am facing issue while PRACK is requested from Carrier.

1. if I don't set advertised IP with interface
SIP Proxy  ---> B2BUS Server --> SIP carrier
INVITE --------------> | ----------------> INVITE ( contact has private IP, So i didn't not received Response)

2. if I set advertised IP with interface then
SIP Proxy  ---> B2BUS Server --> SIP carrier
INVITE --------------> | ----------------> INVITE
RINGING <-----------  | <--------------- RINGING (100rel)
public IP in contact of Ringing
NO PRACK ----------> | ----------------> PRACK
NO PRACK -----------> | <---------------  200OK
NO PRACK ----------> | ----------------> PRACK
NO PRACK -----------> | <---------------  200OK
NO PRACK ----------> | ----------------> PRACK
NO PRACK -----------> | <---------------  200OK

PS: param server_address only work extern scenario.


Hamid R. Hashmi
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