[OpenSIPS-Users] SIP Proxy and Paid Support

Alexander Jankowsky E75A4669 at exemail.com.au
Mon Sep 24 00:02:34 EDT 2018


Hello Rick,


There are some books around with the fundamentals so you can experiment and learn with the basics.

There are formal courses some free and further higher levels for a fee so you can learn more formally.


What is the time frame within which all of this has to happen or at least be started as work in progress.

How many exactly do you mean by multiple, tens of, hundreds of, it would help to be a little more specific.


There is a fair amount of documentation available to search out. Sometimes things move very quickly.

In some cases the documentation is version specific and may not have caught up with what is being used.

What version have you tried on what platform where have you specifically been running into problems.




From: Users [mailto:users-bounces at lists.opensips.org] On Behalf Of Rick Pearce
Sent: Monday, 24 September 2018 8:45 AM
To: users at lists.opensips.org
Subject: [OpenSIPS-Users] SIP Proxy and Paid Support


Hi All,


I'm trying to contact someone at OpenSIPS to assist in setting up a carrier solution using the OpenSIPS proxy. I need OpenSIPS sitting behind a firewall on a 1to1 NAT with multiple individual customer FreePBXs on the same private subnet


Is there a modern setup tutorial available for this type of solution using the newer versions?


I would also like to engage paid support however the contact form doesn't appear to respond


The form at http://www.opensips-solutions.com/contact.html freezes and there doesn't appear to be another contact address other than the mailing list, IRC or facebook. Unless of course I have read this completely wrong :/


Please advise the support email so I can engage paid support, discuss an ongoing support contract plus training - sorry for the using the list


Thanks and regards


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