[OpenSIPS-Users] db_extra_bye - after BYE values in CDR in 2.4

Pat Burke pat at voxtelesys.com
Wed May 16 16:38:57 EDT 2018


I am trying to store data in the CDR from both before the BYE and after the BYE.

In OpenSIPS 2.2.x we did the following - 

modparam("acc", "db_extra","setuptime_msec=$avp(setuptime_msec);end_setup_time=$Ts;host_name=$avp(host_name) .... 

modparam("acc", "db_extra_bye", "call_end_seconds=$avp(call_end_seconds);call_end_useconds=$avp(call_end_useconds);bye_src_ip=$avp(bye_src_ip);bye_time=$avp(bye_time)")

All of the values were sent to the database.

In OpenSIPS 2.4.x we are doing the following - 

modparam("acc", "extra_fields", "db: setuptime_msec;end_setup_time;host_name; ...  ;call_end_seconds;call_end_useconds;bye_src_ip;bye_time")

I am setting the $acc_extra(call_end_seconds) values after the BYE, but nothing is being sent to the database.

How do we handle the after BYE values into the CDR for 2.4?

Thanks in advance.

Pat Burke

Direct: (402) 403-5121   |   Cell: (402) 443-8929  |   Email: pat at voxtelesys.com
1801 23rd Avenue North   |  Suite 217    |  Fargo, North Dakota 58102

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