[OpenSIPS-Users] Modified SDP from RTPEngine

Pat Burke pat at voxtelesys.com
Wed Mar 14 21:39:17 EDT 2018


I am trying to get the IP address of the RTPEngine selected by the rtpengine_offer (we are load balancing across several rtpengines).  In rtpproxy, there was the optional parameter 

sock_pvar(optional) - pvar used to store the RTPProxy socket chosen for this call. Note that the variable will only be populated in the initial request.

There is no equivalent in rtpengine.  The following code, gets reads the request sdp line, but not the modified sdp.  Is there a way to get to the modified sdp?


                    $var(regex) = "/c=IN IP4 //g";

                    $var(cline) = $(rb{sdp.line,c,0});

                    $var(ipaddr) = $(var(cline){re.subst,$var(regex)});

                    xlog("L_INFO", "$tU SCRIPT:RTPPROXY:DEBUG: response = $var(response) - $var(ipaddr) - $rc\n");


Pat Burke

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