[OpenSIPS-Users] location table in MySQL when using full-sharing-cluster

Schneur Rosenberg rosenberg11219 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 02:43:19 EDT 2018

Hi I have the working_mode_preset parameter in the usrloc module set
to full-sharing-cluster, is there anyway to have the location table
written to the MySQL database too? I need  to pull information from
the database.

Basically the database should be for informational purposes, the
restart_persistency should still be sync-from-cluster and the
sql_write_mode should be write-back.

A nice option would be if It can also be used as a backup for
restart_persistency if the entire cluster crashes at once.

I assume I can get this done with NoSQL but that would mean that I
need to rewrite a lot of stuff that was written for MySQL

S. Rosenberg

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