[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPs + RTP High Availability Plans

Callum Guy callum.guy at x-on.co.uk
Mon Jul 2 03:57:38 EDT 2018

Hi All,

Just wondering if this mail came through? Be very interested in hearing if
anyone has any ideas regarding a "multi-master" rtp proxy service.

To date the closest I have found is a Redis plugin for RTPEngine whih
provides some concept of shared state however I wonder if there is a
simpler approach out there (

Best Regards,


On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 11:45 AM Callum Guy <callum.guy at x-on.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am looking into updating my network to support live failover between two
> OpenSIPs instances acting as an HA pair. We use a VIP address and want to
> allow calls and audio streams to be maintained in the event of a single
> node failure. At present the system works and allows new calls to be
> processed when one node goes away however any active calls lose their media
> streams.
> I’ve started exploring my options and am open to the idea of moving to use
> RTPEngine or implementing some state storage in RTPProxy (if such a thing
> exists) but I wanted to reach out to the community to get an experienced
> opinion while I’m gathering ideas.
> I would very much appreciate any ideas/thoughts and have tried to explain
> the current deployment below, just let me know if you need more details.
> *Current Setup*
> Two identical CentOS 7.5 instances running OpenSIPs 2.3.3 and RTPProxy
> 2.0.0.
> The servers have individual IP addresses and
> External traffic hits a single static public IP (** for
> illustrative purposes) which forwards SIP+RTP traffic to a floating IP
> address ** (keepalived) which is owned by the current master
> instance.
> All traffic is then forwarded on to an internal IVR platform (FreeSWITCH)
> so OpenSIPs is just acting as a pure B2BUA proxy which needs to work in
> both directions (i.e. some calls originate from the IVR as well as carrier
> network calls coming in).
> *OpenSIPs/RTPProxy Setup*
> RTPProxy is served on a local socket
> “unix:/var/run/rtpproxy/rtpproxy.sock”.
> When an INVITE is being processed we run "rtpproxy_offer(“rfo”, [**
>  or ** ])" in accordance with the request direction.
> When any reply is received our onreply_route will invoke
> "rtpproxy_offer(“rfo”, [** or ** ])" again in
> accordance with the request direction.
> Hopefully that is clear - the idea is to allow the remote systems to be
> completely agnostic to which proxy handled the traffic. I presume that the
> main issue is that the backup RTPProxy instance is unaware of the current
> state and is not listening on the necessary ports and that this is
> something which can be addressed?
> Finally if anyone has any other advice/articles regarding using OpenSIPs
> in this way (dialog failover, using 2.4 features etc) then this would be
> gratefully received!
> Many thanks,
> Callum
> --
> Callum Guy
> Head of Information Security
> X-on
Callum Guy
Head of Information Security


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