[OpenSIPS-Users] RTPProxy Timeout socket more than one SIP proxy

Adrian Fretwell adrian.fretwell at topgreen.co.uk
Sat Jan 13 08:26:32 EST 2018

Hello & Happy New Year,

Just trying to work out what to do with the timeout notifications from 
RTPProxy when the RTPProxy is used by more than one Opensips proxy.

RTPProxy manual says:

    /-n timeout_socket /

    /This parameter configures the optional timeout notification socket.
    The socket should be created by another application, preferably
    before starting rtpproxy. For those sessions   where the timeout
    mechanism is enabled, notifications are sent on this socket if the
    session times out./

    /There is no default value, notifications are not sent and not
    permitted unless a value is specified explicitly. /

So if I have a primary and a backup SIP proxy, how do I get timeout 
notifications to both?

I have tried specifying one of the SIP proxies in the -n parameter and 
it works ok, but if I then put a call through the other SIP proxy , the 
RTPProxy logs:
Jan 13 13:00:13 rtpproxy1 rtpproxy[474]: 
ERR:1_395279493 at invalid socket name 

I ask the question here because I know some of you do development work 
on both Opensips and RTPProxy.

Kind regards,

Adrian Fretwell

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