[OpenSIPS-Users] trying to understand the E_DLG_STATE_CHANGED

Khalil Khamlichi khamlichi.khalil at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 15:46:16 EDT 2017

Hi everyone,

I am trying to understand dialog module eventing system.

I have added this route :

event_route[E_DLG_STATE_CHANGED] {


    cache_raw_query("redis:0", "PUBLISH serv1


so for each event I can watch an entry

1505503997.413642 [0] "PUBLISH" "serv1"
1505503997.524535 [0] "PUBLISH" "serv1"
1505504018.809746 [0] "PUBLISH" "serv1"

I understand that

a = hash_id of dialog
b= hash_entry of dialog
c = old_state
d = new_state
e & f = do not exist and here just to prove that they do not exist.

but I don't understand how to use the information of a & b to track dialogs
? if there a function that when fed those parameters gives us callid for
example ?

Thanks in advance.

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