[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPs Control Panel Homer Menu

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Thu Nov 16 07:27:12 EST 2017


in the home tool config file ( config/tools/system/homer/local.inc.php) 
, how the $homer_URL is defined ? with HTTP or HTTPS ?

Have you read the note from the file in regards to HTTP versus HTTPS  ??


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
   OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 11/13/2017 06:19 PM, Social Boh wrote:
> Hello,
> if I access OpenSIPs Control Panel over https, with a Let's Encrypt 
> Certificate, I can't see Homer page (blank page).
> The only error/notice on the ssl_error.log is:
> PHP Notice:  A session had already been started - ignoring 
> session_start() in /var/www/html/opensips-cp/config/session.inc.php on 
> line 23, referer: 
> https://opensipscontrolpanel.org/cp/tools/system/homer/homer.php
> If I use OpenSIPs Control Panel over httpd all working fine.
> Regards
> ---
> I'm SoCIaL, MayBe
> El 03/11/2017 a las 10:22, Social Boh escribió:
>> The error was related with this semicolon (before the last parenthesis):
>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_URI', 
>> ""*;*);
>> Thank you.
>> Regards
>> ---
>> I'm SoCIaL, MayBe
>> El 03/11/2017 a las 07:15, Răzvan Crainea escribió:
>>> This time there seems to be an issue on the homer side. Can you 
>>> check the logs to see if homer is saying anything useful?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Răzvan Crainea
>>> OpenSIPS Developer
>>> www.opensips-solutions.com
>>> On 11/03/2017 02:06 PM, Social Boh wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Now I have this error (homer side):
>>>> GET 
>>>> /api/v1/redirect?externalid=rx88kxQUs1DNT6es2ybwBvhevecJwjnY&url=http%3A%2F%2F1. 
>>>> HTTP/1.1.
>>>> Host:
>>>> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) 
>>>> Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0.
>>>> Accept: 
>>>> text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8.
>>>> Accept-Language: es-ES,es;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3.
>>>> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate.
>>>> Referer:
>>>> Connection: keep-alive.
>>>> Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1.
>>>> HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error.
>>>> Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2017 11:47:36 GMT.
>>>> Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/5.4.16.
>>>> X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.16.
>>>> Content-Length: 0.
>>>> Connection: close.
>>>> Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8.
>>>> My homer configuration is:
>>>> define('AUTHENTICATION',"External");
>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_URI', 
>>>> "";);
>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_METHOD', "GET");
>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_PARAM', "param=KEY");
>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_REQUEST_TYPE', "get");
>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_REQUEST_KEY', "externalid");
>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_POSITIVE_REPLY', "200");
>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_REPLY_USER_INFO', "json");
>>>> is the Homer IP and is the OpenSIPs Control Panel IP
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Regards
>>>> ---
>>>> I'm SoCIaL, MayBe
>>>> El 03/11/2017 a las 04:47, Răzvan Crainea escribió:
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> You should install the php apc library. On Ubuntu this is php-apcu.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Răzvan Crainea
>>>>> OpenSIPS Developer
>>>>> www.opensips-solutions.com
>>>>> On 11/02/2017 10:09 PM, Social Boh wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> each time I try to access Homer Menu on OpenSIPs Control Panel 
>>>>>> 7.3.2, on the apache log:
>>>>>> Call to undefined function apc_store() in 
>>>>>> /var/www/html/opensips-cp/web/tools/system/homer/homer.php on line 5
>>>>>> Blank page
>>>>>> OpenSIPs Homer Configuration:
>>>>>> $homer_URL = "http://homer.mydomain.org";
>>>>>> $homer_auth_method = "get";
>>>>>> Homer OpenSIPs configuration (preference.php)
>>>>>> define('AUTHENTICATION',"External");
>>>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_URI', 
>>>>>> "http://os.mydomain.org/cp/tools/system/homer/auth.php";);
>>>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_METHOD', "GET");
>>>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_PARAM', "param=KEY");
>>>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_REQUEST_TYPE', "get");
>>>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_REQUEST_KEY', "externalid");
>>>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_POSITIVE_REPLY', "200");
>>>>>> define('EXTERNAL_AUTH_REPLY_USER_INFO', "json");
>>>>>> Any hint
>>>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>>>> Regards
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