[OpenSIPS-Users] ERROR:presence:update_presentity cause OpenSIPS eat all memory and crash...

Michele Pinassi michele.pinassi at unisi.it
Thu Mar 16 04:05:05 EDT 2017

Opensips 1.11.9-notls on a Debian 8.7 x64, with more that 700 phones

Sometimes, almost twice a week, i got a lot of:

/usr/sbin/opensips[1585]: ERROR:presence:update_presentity: No E_Tag
match [a.1489409482.1585.24993.147]
/usr/sbin/opensips[1586]: ERROR:presence:update_presentity: No E_Tag
match [a.1489409482.1584.24871.146]
/usr/sbin/opensips[1584]: ERROR:presence:update_presentity: No E_Tag
match [a.1489409482.1586.24799.146]

that, after few hours, results in a:

/usr/sbin/opensips[1585]: ERROR:tm:new_t: out of mem
/usr/sbin/opensips[1584]: WARNING:core:fm_malloc: Not enough free
memory, will attempt defragmentation
/usr/sbin/opensips[1585]: ERROR:tm:t_newtran: new_t failed
/usr/sbin/opensips[1584]: ERROR:tm:new_t: out of mem

of course, users were not happy :-) so i need suggestions how to solve
the problem or how to avoid that error cause opensips to eat all the
memory available...

Thanks, Michele

Michele Pinassi
Responsabile Telefonia di Ateneo
Servizio Reti, Sistemi e Sicurezza Informatica - Università degli Studi di Siena
tel: 0577.(23)5000 - centralino at unisi.it

Per trovare una soluzione rapida ai tuoi problemi tecnici consulta le FAQ di Ateneo, http://www.faq.unisi.it 

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