[OpenSIPS-Users] B2B prepaid.xml with one MediaServer

Andreas Bøckmann monkeilas at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 06:22:35 EDT 2017


I wanted to test the B2B script-scenario prepaid from the B2BUA tutorials.
The only change I wanted was to only invoke a MediaServer before connecting
the call to B-party.

Note my OpenSIPS is running regular proxy/registrar functions besides B2B.

The B2B is able to setup the call towards MediaServer and trigger on
receiving BYE.

The next leg towards the actual B-party is not setup as OpenSIPS doesn't
see this as B2B? but does authorization for that INVITE request, which

I believe it's due to the B2B doing somethingsomething to my URIs and/or

My issue seems very much like something I found in a previous post (
https://opensips.org/pipermail/users/2010-February/010931.html) but there
was no final solution.

I trigger this for the initial INVITE as such:

    if ($rU =~ "^\+1234567890.*") {

        # t_newtran is necessary because b2b should not handle
        if (!t_newtran()) {

        xlog("L_WARN","B2BUA cid=$ci, Call from $fU to $rU initialized as
        b2b_init_request("freecall", "sip:+9999 at");

My B2B scenario file: https://pastebin.com/KwpgJziL

Any clues to what the solution from Anca was in the original post
referenced above or any other ideas as to what I am doing wrong here?
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