[OpenSIPS-Users] ratelimit (cps/timer_interval)

Max Mühlbronner max.muehlbronner at 42com.com
Wed Jun 7 06:07:51 EDT 2017


just a small question regarding the ratelimit module. I am confused by the documentation:


"Note that the limit should be specified as per-second, not per-timer_interval."

But at the timer_interval modparam it says:

"All amounts of messages have to be divided by this timer to get a messages per second value. "

So which one is true, e.g. if i want to limit to 50 cps (and the default timer_interval is 10 seconds) would i just do something like:

if (!rl_check("$avp(carriername)", "50", "RED")) {


if (!rl_check("$avp(carriername)", "500", "RED")) {



Max Mühlbronner
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