[OpenSIPS-Users] Topology Hiding - ACK not going through

Royee Tichauer royee.tichauer at vonage.com
Tue Jun 6 05:15:58 EDT 2017


Thanks for the help!

fix_nated_contact is called before create_dialog as you can also see from
the configuration file I added in the previous email.

When using the MI command I see:

callee_contact:: sip:USERNAME at PRIVATE_IP:PORT;transport=TCP

So it seems like the dialog is created with a private IP. Any suggestions?



On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 11:06 AM Răzvan Crainea <razvan at opensips.org> wrote:

> Hi, Royee!
> Can you make sure that fix_nated_contact() is called before
> create_dialog()?
> Also, if you run through MI the dlg_list_ctx command, what is the contact
> header stored in the dialog?
> Best regards,
> Răzvan
> Răzvan Crainea
> OpenSIPS Solutionswww.opensips-solutions.com
> On 06/06/2017 11:02 AM, Royee Tichauer via Users wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having some problems when using topology hiding. In my scenario an
> INVITE comes in to the opensips (SBC) instance from another opensips
> instance (Proxy). It is routed to a callee which eventually answers with a
> 200OK. The 200 OK is routed through the SBC to the Proxy which answers back
> with an ACK. This ACK is absorbed by the SBC which (by looking at the logs)
> attempts to send this ACK to the private IP of the callee instead of the
> the NAT IP which was originally used for the incoming INVITE.
> From the logs I see that right before I attempt to do
> 'topology_hiding_match()' the 'ruri=public_IP' and after the method is
> called the ruri switches to 'ruri=private_IP'.
> Attached is a trace. Below is a partial opensips.cfg file I am using with
> opensips 2.1:
> # ----- NATHELPER -----
> loadmodule "nathelper.so"
> modparam("nathelper", "received_avp", "$avp(42)")
> # ----- DIALOG -----
> loadmodule "dialog.so"
> modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 0)
> modparam("dialog", "dlg_match_mode", 1)
> modparam("dialog", "profiles_no_value", "inboundcalls")
> # ----- TOPOLOGY_HIDING -----
> loadmodule "topology_hiding.so"
> modparam("topology_hiding", "force_dialog", 1)
> modparam("topology_hiding", "th_callid_passwd", "*********")
> modparam("topology_hiding", "th_contact_encode_passwd", "*****")
> modparam("topology_hiding", "th_callid_prefix", "****")
> route {
>   route(nat_checks);
>   route(topology_check);
>   .
>   .
>   .
>   create_dialog();
>   record_route();
>   if (!has_totag() && is_method("INVITE")) {
>     topology_hiding("U");
>   }
>   .
>   .
>   .
> }
> route[topology_check] {
>   force_rport();
>   xlog("L_INFO", "[REQUEST $ci] current  ruri: $ruri");
>   if (has_totag()) {
>     if (topology_hiding_match()) {
>         xlog("L_INFO", "[REQUEST $ci] $rm topology_check successful match
> reinvite TH_callee_callid: $TH_callee_callid ruri: $ruri");
>         route(relay);
>     } else {
>       xlog("L_INFO", "[REQUEST $ci] $rm topology_check Did not match this
> request to a topology hiding dialog.");
>       if ( is_method("ACK") ) {
>         if ( t_check_trans() ) {
>           xlog("L_INFO", "[REQUEST $ci] $rm within a transaction
> relaying");
>           route(relay);
>         } else {
>           xlog("L_INFO", "[REQUEST $ci] $rm not within a transaction
> exiting");
>           exit;
>         }
>       }
>       xlog("L_INFO", "[REQUEST $ci] $rm sending 404 Not Found");
>       send_reply("404","Not Found");
>       exit;
>     }
>   }
> }
> route[nat_checks] {
>   if (nat_uac_test("1")) {
>     xlog("L_INFO", "[REQUEST $ci] $rm fix_nated_contact()");
>     fix_nated_contact();
>   }
> }
> .
> .
> .
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