[OpenSIPS-Users] Uac registrant check

Volkan Oransoy voransoy at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 05:34:22 EDT 2017

Hi all,

I use uac_registrant to register to remote SIP systems and registration phase seems ok. What I want to do is to receive calls from these systems and before accepting calls to my box, I want to check destination, if it is a valid record on my system. I found a couple of replies on list archives and one of them suggests to lookup agains AOR. But that doesn’t work right now. What is the most suitable way to do this?

       if ( check_source_address("1","$avp(trunk_attrs)") ) {
                # request comes from trunks
        } else if ( is_from_gw() ) {
                # request comes from GWs
        } else if ( lookup("location","","$ru") ){
                xlog("Location check for $ru passed.\n");
        } else {
                xlog("Location check for $ru failed.\n");


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