[OpenSIPS-Users] Passive call recording using rtpproxy

Lameire Alexis alameire at openip.fr
Thu Jul 6 09:16:36 EDT 2017


As I understand you, to be able to get the RTP stream I need to place an 
inline component between client and IPBX or between SBC and upstream to 
copy and redirect with the correct ip the RTP to the dedicated server.

I wouldn't like to do it this way. I would like to be able to do it by 
only port mirror traffic on the inbound of SBC/PBX to the server, mainly 
to avoid side effect to the service on a fail of the recording service.

Let me know if I definitively not understand you.


Le 05/07/2017 à 16:38, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu a écrit :
> Hi Alexis,
> To record the RTP on the your platform, you need first to get the RTP 
> to flow through your servers, right ? So you have to do RTP pinning - 
> to be transparent for the users (if recorded or not), you will have to 
> do it for all calls I guess. And here you can use RTPproxy to pin the 
> media.
> Now, once you have the RTP on your servers (via rtpproxy), you have 2 
> options:
>     1) get the recording directly from RTPProxy
>     2) get the RTP via port mirroring
> Let me know if ok so far.
> Best regards,
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>    OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>    http://www.opensips-solutions.com
> OpenSIPS Bootcamp 2017, Houston, US
>    http://opensips.org/training/OpenSIPS_Bootcamp_2017.html
> On 07/05/2017 11:24 AM, Lameire Alexis wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to acheave call recording on a passive way. My setup 
>> will use a port mirroring on the switch on a dedicated port.
>> Despite the presentation on the last summit, I can't properly 
>> understand how to properly acheave it. As I get rtpproxy will rewrite 
>> the SDP content to fix the media ip to the instance of rtpproxy, but 
>> this biavior is not suitable for a passive call recording.
>> As I see on this[1] documentation I don't find a way to inhibate this 
>> biavior and just rely on the choiced RTP/RTSP port.
>> In additions I will be faced by the issues related to port mirroring, 
>> the destination ip on sig and media packet will not match the local 
>> address and rtpproxy and opensips will not be able to bind the 
>> datagram socket.
>> So, I think I have lost something, so if you could glow my mind you 
>> will be gracefully thanked.
>> In addition of my questions, I would like to strongly thanks the 
>> presenter for is call recording experience, mainly due to the keys 
>> provided on the post task for files conversion.
>> [1] http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/1.7.x/rtpproxy.html
>> -- 
>> Signature
>> Alexis Lameire
>> Ingénieur infrastructure 	<http://www.openip.fr/>
>>  +33 9 70 71 60 01
>> alameire at openip.fr 	 37/39, rue de Neuilly, 92110 Clichy
>> http://openip.fr / http://my.openip.fr 	e-mail 
>> <https://fr-fr.facebook.com/OpenIP-100672256650653/> 
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