[OpenSIPS-Users] Passive call recording using rtpproxy

Lameire Alexis alameire at openip.fr
Wed Jul 5 04:24:45 EDT 2017


I would like to acheave call recording on a passive way. My setup will 
use a port mirroring on the switch on a dedicated port.

Despite the presentation on the last summit, I can't properly understand 
how to properly acheave it. As I get rtpproxy will rewrite the SDP 
content to fix the media ip to the instance of rtpproxy, but this 
biavior is not suitable for a passive call recording.

As I see on this[1] documentation I don't find a way to inhibate this 
biavior and just rely on the choiced RTP/RTSP port.

In additions I will be faced by the issues related to port mirroring, 
the destination ip on sig and media packet will not match the local 
address and rtpproxy and opensips will not be able to bind the datagram 

So, I think I have lost something, so if you could glow my mind you will 
be gracefully thanked.

In addition of my questions, I would like to strongly thanks the 
presenter for is call recording experience, mainly due to the keys 
provided on the post task for files conversion.

[1] http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/1.7.x/rtpproxy.html

Alexis Lameire
Ingénieur infrastructure 	<http://www.openip.fr/>

  +33 9 70 71 60 01
  alameire at openip.fr 	 37/39, rue de Neuilly, 92110 Clichy
  http://openip.fr / http://my.openip.fr 	e-mail 
<https://twitter.com/openip> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/openip>

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