[OpenSIPS-Users] Binary replication errors

Schneur Rosenberg rosenberg11219 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 15:59:18 EST 2017

Hi, I tried to implement binary replication with OpenSIPS ver 2.2.2 and it
floods my logs with the following errors on both servers

Jan 14 21:12:20 sips /sbin/opensips[4484]:
WARNING:dialog:receive_dlg_binary_packet: Invalid dialog binary packet
command: 4 (from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:45107)
Jan 14 21:12:20 sip /sbin/opensips[4484]:
ERROR:dialog:receive_dlg_binary_packet: Failed to process a binary packet!

when I do a ngrep its flooding with messsage

T XXX.XXX.XXX.01:46514 -> XXX.XXX.XXX.02:5799 [AP]

T XXX.XXX.XXX.02:45107 -> XXX.XXX.XXX.01:5799 [AP]

Here are the relevant lines in my config file

listen=bin:xxx.xxx.xxx.01:5799         and on server 2

loadmodule "proto_bin.so"

loadmodule "clusterer.so"
modparam("clusterer", "server_id", 1)     and the second server is
modparam("clusterer", "server_id", 2)

modparam("dialog", "accept_replicated_dialogs", 1)
modparam("dialog", "replicate_dialogs_to", 1)
modparam("dialog", "replicate_profiles_to", 1)

modparam("usrloc", "accept_replicated_contacts", 1)
modparam("usrloc", "replicate_contacts_to", 1)
modparam("usrloc", "skip_replicated_db_ops", 1)

I entered both servers in the clusterer table and of course I have
the "db_url" set
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