[OpenSIPS-Users] rtpengine xmlrpc integration with opensips. Teardown xmlrpc method

Carlos Oliva carlos.oliva at numintec.com
Mon Feb 6 05:34:49 EST 2017

Thank you so much Bogdan. great job!

Thanks and regards,

* _________________________________________________ Carlos
OlivaDepartamento de Sistemas C/ Pujades, 77-79, 8a Planta 9B | 08005
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2017-02-04 16:14 GMT+01:00 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org>:

> Hi Carlos,
> I made 2 commits on master:
> 1) the dlg_end_dlg MI command may identify the call also by the SIP Call-ID
>     https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/commit/
> 9a4f435bc1f550b0c047926fea7e9b83f71f4c7d
> 2) added a teardown MI command in rtpengine module - this is simple
> wrapper to dlg_end_dlg, just to make rtpengine happy
>     https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/commit/
> dd41b34cbcc7f5a8bfcd393016badde2c8ea6d5c
> Best regards,
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
> OpenSIPS Founder and Developerhttp://www.opensips-solutions.com
> On 02/02/2017 12:35 PM, Carlos Oliva wrote:
> Thank you Bogdan, If you think is right I'll open a feature request about
> this.
> Another related question: Is there any way to end a dialog with MI using
> the callID instead of dialogID? If there is, I can make a patch for
> rtpengine and try contribute it, If they accept.
> thanks and regards,
> * _________________________________________________ Carlos
> OlivaDepartamento de Sistemas C/ Pujades, 77-79, 8a Planta 9B | 08005
> Barcelona www.numintec.com <http://www.numintec.com/> |
> carlos.oliva at numintec.com <carlos.oliva at numintec.com> | T: 902 02 02 97
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> 2017-02-01 13:26 GMT+01:00 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org>:
>> Hi Carlos, OpenSIPS does not have any "teardown" MI command - this looks
>> like a private extension of the rtpengine. Unfortunately, the rtpengine
>> team is not so communicative (at least not with our team), so we were not
>> aware of this extension. Of course, we can do the one-way effort to align
>> OpenSIPS to the rtpengine (again). Still, if we do this, it will be for
>> OpenSIPS 2.3 - new extensions are not backported to the existing stable
>> releases. Best regards,
>> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>> OpenSIPS Founder and Developerhttp://www.opensips-solutions.com
>> On 01/30/2017 12:05 AM, Carlos Oliva wrote:
>> Hi List!
>> I'm using Opensips 1.11 and doing some tests to change my mediaproxy
>> rtprelays to ngcp-rtpengine. My reasons to try this change are efficiency
>> and that the mediaproxy project seems to be a little abandoned by
>> AGProjects (not really abandoned but has no new features in years)
>> After the change I started to see some dialogs in state 3 that ends at
>> timeout (6 hours in my config)
>> I tried to use the RTPTimeout function in rtpengine (in mediaproxy  it
>> works very well) to try to end the dialogs which don't have RTP.
>> To try this I used the rtpengine flags --b2b-url=http://%%:8000/RPC2
>> --xmlrpc-format=1 to send Opensips the order to end the related dialog.
>> It doesn't work. Doing some ngrep at xmlrpc interface seems that
>> rtpengine send some commands to opensips RPC interface that Opensips does
>> not understand. The command is: "teardown" and the callid, here is an
>> example: POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1..Host: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8000..Accept:
>> */*..Content-Type: text/xml..User-Agent: Xmlrpc-c/1.33.14 Curl/7.38.0..Content-Length:
>> 204....<?xml version="1.0" enco   ding="UTF-8"?>..<methodCall>..
>> <methodName>teardown</methodName>..<params>..<param><value><string>
>> 822048991-40759-5 at BJC.BGI.B.GE</string></value></
>> param>..</params>..</methodCall>
>> and the opensips response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK..Connection:
>> Keep-Alive..Content-Length: 48..Content-Type: text/xml;
>> charset=utf-8..Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2017 20:31:36 GMT....<html><body>Internal
>> server error!</body></html>
>> Obviously OpenSips does not implement this "teardown" method.
>> My questions are:
>> Anybody has a good idea of how to deal with this?
>> Devels: Do you think is a good idea to open a feature request in github
>> about this? I'll try to backport to 1.11 later.if you accept the request.
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Carlos Oliva
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