[OpenSIPS-Users] B2B top hiding

Denis denis7979 at mail.ru
Mon Nov 7 13:20:05 CET 2016


Opensips 2.2.2.

I want to make an installation of Opensips which  will include auth and top hiding functionality.

First of all, in the main route, i catch INVITE
"if  (is_method("INVITE") && !has_totag()) {

then, in route [1], i make some auth procedure using "pv_proxy_authorize" and "proxy_authorize" functions
if auth procedure is successful i make 
"xlog("L_INFO", "Route1:$rm was received with auth (IP=$si, IPD=$rd, CALLID=$ci, FROMTAG=$ft, TOTAG=$tt, AUTH=$au) AND B2B prepared");
b2b_init_request("top hiding");

In the local route i try to edit port of the destination, using 
"xlog("L_INFO", "Local:$rm was received with auth (IP=$si, IPD=$rd, CALLID=$ci, FROMTAG=$ft, TOTAG=$tt, AUTH=$au)");

where - ip address of Opensips.

In attachment you can see debug of unsuccessful call, where - ip address of Opensips. - caller SIP UA

I can see in syslog both messages, in local route and in route [1].

As you can see from the debug Opensips doesn`t try to send INVITE to

Thank you for any help.

 mailto:denis7979 at mail.ru
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