[OpenSIPS-Users] Delay requests to avoid CPS provider's CPS limits

Mateusz Bartczak netcentrica at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 00:03:14 CEST 2016


I'm looking for a solution to nicely handle call spikes

The issue is like this:

I have customer generating 100 calls every 10 seconds. Not during 10
seconds, but exactly every 10 seconds I get 100 calls in one second, next 9
seconds nothing and then next 100 calls...

On the other side, I have provider that has 10 CPS limit

In current setup I can only handle every 10 first calls, 90 are discarded
by the provider. So I can handle only 10% of customer's traffic

I'm thinking about a solution to delay calls above CPS limit to the nearly
future. If I could delay calls 10-20 by one second, 20-30 by two seconds
and so on. This way, in theory, I could handle 100% of calls not just 10%

I can implement such thing with FreeSWITCH, call parking and some fancy
scripting, but FS is many, many times slower than OpenSIPS and I'd like to
avoid using it in such high CPS scenario

Is there any pure OpenSIPS solution to this kind of problem?

Best Regards

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