[OpenSIPS-Users] Fraud_module
denis7979 at mail.ru
Wed Mar 16 08:35:20 CET 2016
I am testing Fraud_detection on Opensips 2.1
1) I noticed an Opensips crash after fifo fraud_relaod. GDB from core in attachment.
2) In the log file i can see such messages "CRITICAL:core:sig_alarm_abort: BUG - shutdown timeout triggered, dying..."
3) Fraud detection doesn`t work because it shows "code 1" of check_fraud function during every call, although the function exports event "E_FRD_CRITICAL".
| ruleid | profileid | prefix | start_hour | end_hour | daysoftheweek | cpm_warning | cpm_critical | call_duration_warning | call_duration_critical | total_calls_warning | total_calls_critical | concurrent_calls_warning | concurrent_calls_critical | sequential_calls_warning | sequential_calls_critical |
| 1 | 1 | 8812 | 00:00 | 23:59 | Mon-Fri | 2 | 30 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
I made more than 5 calls but there is no "code -2" detected.
Thank you for any help.
mailto:denis7979 at mail.ru
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