[OpenSIPS-Users] Reqriteuri question

Travis Manson-Drake travism at simplybits.com
Fri Mar 11 23:47:45 CET 2016


Does anyone know how one might use core variables and pseudo variables when using rewriteURI

I tried something like rewriteuri(sip:$fU at AVP(variable)); and it literally just re wrote the uri to that (no surprise here)

Any ideas?

Travis Manson-Drake
Voice Systems Analyst

Simply Bits, LLC
T: 520.545.0311  F: 520.545.7252
E: travism at simplybits.com<mailto:travism at simplybits.com>
5225 N. Sabino Canyon Road
Tucson, AZ 85750
Support Hotline: 520.545.0333

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