[OpenSIPS-Users] ACK after set_advertised_address contains wrong address in VIA header

Newlin, Ben Ben.Newlin at inin.com
Sat Jun 25 02:41:34 CEST 2016

I have run into the same problem that was described in this previous post [1], however it doesn’t appear it was ever solved at the time.

I am using the dispatcher module to route calls to external carriers and I am using set_advertised_address to set the outgoing public address prior to sending the request. If the first destination returns failure, the ACK is sent correctly. Then I select a different destination and set a different public address using set_advertised_address. If this second call also fails, the ACK that is sent out uses the first advertised address, not the current on for the request.

Has anyone figured this out? I am using 1.11.6.

[1] http://lists.opensips.org/pipermail/users/2014-August/029779.html

Ben Newlin
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