[OpenSIPS-Users] B2BUA not responding to reinvites

Kevin Stewart Kevin.Stewart at m2group.co.nz
Tue Jun 14 08:49:32 CEST 2016

I am trying to implement a simple topology hiding B2BUA with opensips 1.11.5

most things work except that re invites for session expiry are being ignored.

I assume that I am missing something in my config.

the strange thing is that I see no debug to syslog when the Invites come in even with debug set to 9.

the basic config is a client on port 5061 (C) inviting the B2BUA on port 5066(B) with then invites the main server on another host on port 5060(A).
I do not expect and inbount calls from A

C invites B, B invites A  all proceeds normally until after 15 minutes A invites B and is ignored then sends bye a number of times.
none of the reinvites or byes are reported in the logs.

C then hangs up sending a bye to B, B sends a bye to A and gets 481 Unknown Dialog.

below is my config

	if ( !mf_process_maxfwd_header("10") )
	 	sl_send_reply("483","To Many Hops");

	if (is_method("OPTIONS"))
		#xlog("L_NOTICE", "$ci|end|unsupported method");
		sl_send_reply("404", "Not found");

		xlog("L_NOTICE","got invite");
			xlog("L_NOTICE","got invite 5061");
			xlog("L_NOTICE","[$mi] before B2B request\n");
			b2b_init_request("top hiding");
			xlog("L_INFO","[$mi] after B2B request\n");
			xlog("L_NOTICE","got invite $sp");
			xlog("L_INFO","[$mi] not from 5061\n");
		xlog("L_ERR","got request method $rm from $si: $fU, $tU");
		sl_send_reply("501", "Not Implemented");
Kevin Stewart | Senior VOIP Network Engineer
D: +64 9 919 6120E: Kevin.Stewart at m2group.co.nz
M: +64 21 879 057W: vocus.co.nz
A: PO Box 108-109, Symonds St, Auckland 1150

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