[OpenSIPS-Users] Question regarding b2b_bridge function

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Tue Jun 7 12:34:27 CEST 2016

Hi Ping,

So you need the B2B Logic ID only when you create the B2B session, in 
order to place it in the first outgoing INVITE (as extra hdr), right ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 07.06.2016 04:59, Ping Han wrote:
> Thanks, Bogdan,
> What I am trying to do is to get the b2b logic ID and deliver to the 
> next hop via a custom SIP header.
> I am using the b2b_init_request("top hiding") and it looks like the 
> only place that I can add a custom header is in the local_route.
> So in the script I need the b2b logic ID after 
> running b2b_init_request("top hiding") but before the new INVITE is 
> sent to the B party as shown below.
> I am not sure how I can do that.
> Inline image 2
> Thanks,
> Ping
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 12:07 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
> <bogdan at opensips.org <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>     Hi Ping,
>     My bad - in Call-ID and TO tag you have the B2B _entity_ ID, while
>     you need the B2B _logic_ ID .....which is not part of the
>     signaling at all .
>     Now, in script, where do you need the b2b logic ID ? after
>     creating the B2B session (after b2b_init() ) ? Or ?
>     Regards,
>     Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>     OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>     http://www.opensips-solutions.com
>     On 06.06.2016 11:46, Ping Han wrote:
>>     Thanks, Bogdan,
>>     I have done a few testing. It seems only the value of the param
>>     works for this function. However, it does not look like the
>>     callid and the to-tag.
>>     Is it possible to get the param value in the Opensips config?
>>     Please see the test results below.
>>     ---------------------------------
>>     [root at opensips-02 ~]# opensipsctl fifo b2be_list
>>     dlg:: 37 param=237.0 state=5 last_invite_cseq=1 last_method=0
>>     last_reply_code=200 db_flag=2
>>             ruri:: sip:2401012350 at
>>     <http://sip:2401012350@>
>>             callid:: NjEyZWEyOTEwZmVlZDIzOTViMTc3YjJiMmJmY2RjODI.
>>             from:: "Tropo test"
>>     uri=sip:2401012350 at
>>     <mailto:sip:2401012350 at> tag=1e53cf61
>>             to:: "2401012350" uri=sip:2401012350 at
>>     <mailto:sip:2401012350 at> tag=B2B.297.37
>>             cseq::  caller=1 callee=1
>>             route_set::
>>      caller=<sip:;lr;ftag=1e53cf61>,<sip:;lr;ftag=1e53cf61>
>>             contact::  caller=sip:2401012350 at
>>     <http://sip:2401012350@>
>>     callee=sip: <>
>>             send_sock::
>>     dlg:: 6715348 param=237.0 state=5 last_invite_cseq=2
>>     last_method=4 db_flag=2
>>             callid:: B2B.237.6715348
>>             from:: "Tropo test"
>>     uri=sip:2401012350 at
>>     <mailto:sip:2401012350 at>
>>     tag=44623c403b25fd7905bfa7a7325b2b8f
>>             to::  uri=sip:dialog at
>>     <http://sip:dialog@> tag=40711690
>>             cseq::  caller=2 callee=1
>>             contact::  caller=sip:
>>     <> callee=sip:
>>     <>
>>             send_sock::
>>             LEGS::
>>                     leg:: 0 tag=40711690 cseq=2
>>     contact=sip: <>
>>     [root at opensips-02 ~]# opensipsctl fifo b2b_bridge 237.6715348
>>     sip:123 at <mailto:sip%3A123 at>  (this is
>>     the callid with out the "B2B" prefix)
>>     500 command 'b2b_bridge' failed
>>     [root at opensips-02 ~]# opensipsctl fifo b2b_bridge 297.37
>>     sip:123 at <mailto:sip%3A123 at>  (this is
>>     the To-tag)
>>     500 command 'b2b_bridge' failed
>>     [root at opensips-02 ~]# opensipsctl fifo b2b_bridge 237.0
>>     sip:123 at <mailto:sip:123 at> (this is the
>>     value of param, only this works)
>>     ---------------------------------
>>     Regards,
>>     Ping
>>     On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 6:54 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>     <bogdan at opensips.org <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>>         Hi Ping,
>>         b2b_bridge_request() is a script function:
>>         http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/2.1.x/b2b_logic.html#id294094
>>         I pointed to this function as you mentioned (on my question)
>>         that you want to do the bridging from script level.
>>         Indeed, the equivalent MI function is b2b_bridge:
>>         http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/2.1.x/b2b_logic.html#id294210
>>         If you want to get that "1020.30", you can get it from
>>         Call-ID or To tag, where you have B2B.1020.30 (so you have to
>>         strip that B2B prefix).
>>         Regards,
>>         Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>         OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>         http://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>         On 03.06.2016 06:27, Ping Han wrote:
>>>         Thanks, Bogdan,
>>>         It seems the function you mentioned is the internal function
>>>          "1.4.2 b2b_bridge_request(b2bl_key,entity_no)".
>>>         Actually the function that I am trying to use is the
>>>         "b2b_bridge" (Exported MI Functions). It is defined as below
>>>         ----------------------------------
>>>         http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/2.1.x/b2b_logic.html#id294210
>>>         1.5.2.  b2b_bridge
>>>         Example: opensipsctl b2b_bridge 1020.30
>>>         sip:alice at opensips.org <mailto:sip:alice at opensips.org>
>>>         ----------------------------------
>>>         In the example "1020.30" is the "dialog-id". This is the
>>>         parameter that I am not sure how to easily access in the
>>>         Opensips config.
>>>         What I am trying to do is to get the value and deliver to
>>>         the next hop via a custom SIP header. When the next hop
>>>         tries to transfer the call to a new destination. It can run
>>>         the b2b_bridge command straight away with the "dialog-id"
>>>         without rechieving the value from the Opensips database
>>>         (from b2b_logic or b2b_entities tables).
>>>         Any advice will be appreciated.
>>>         Thanks,
>>>         Ping
>>>         On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 5:35 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>         <bogdan at opensips.org <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>>>             Hi Ping,
>>>             In script, in a b2b route, you can look at the callid or
>>>             TO tag (depending on the direction) to get the key :
>>>             http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/2.2.x/b2b_logic.html#id294094
>>>             The B2B uses that key as Call-ID when acting as UAC and
>>>             as To tag when acting as UAS. You can run a SIP capture
>>>             to see the traffic.
>>>             Regards,
>>>             Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>             OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>>             http://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>>             On 02.06.2016 05:13, Ping Han wrote:
>>>>             Hi Bogdan,
>>>>             Thanks for the information.
>>>>             I need the value in the Opensips cfg.
>>>>             I understand that I can query the b2b_logic or
>>>>             b2b_entities tables to get the value in Opensips
>>>>             config. Apart from that could you tell me other way to
>>>>             easily access the value in Opensips config?
>>>>             Thanks,
>>>>             Ping
>>>>             On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>>             <bogdan at opensips.org <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>>>>                 Hi Ping,
>>>>                 Indeed, my bad - the docs are not updated, as that
>>>>                 param was disabled long time ago (4 years ago):
>>>>                 https://sourceforge.net/p/opensips/bugs/502/
>>>>                 Still, there are available option. But the question
>>>>                 is : do you need that value in OpenSIPS cfg or
>>>>                 outside OpenSIPS ? as there are different way to
>>>>                 get the ID.
>>>>                 Regards,
>>>>                 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>>                 OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>>>                 http://www.opensips-solutions.com

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