[OpenSIPS-Users] mongodb replica set connection .

Sasmita Panda spanda at 3clogic.com
Thu Jun 2 14:23:19 CEST 2016

Hi All ,

       I am using opensips-1.11 and I am using cachedb_mongodb module . I
am able to connect to mongodb replica set without authentication .

modparam("cachedb_mongodb", "cachedb_url","mongodb:replicaset1:// <http://root:password@>,")


modparam("acc", "db_url", "cachedb://mongodb:replicaset1")
  I am able to connect to mongodb for account module . By this line .

  But I am not able to store any data through raw query like bellow .

Its giving bellow error .

   DBG:core:cachedb_store: from script [mongodb] - with grp [group1]
  ERROR:core:cachedb_store: failed to get connection for grp name [group1]

What does it mean ?  If I am changing the group1 to replicaset1 then also
its giving error . What should I do ? Please help me . Am I doing something
wrong in the opensips config file or I need to do something in the mongodb
replica set ?

Thanks in advance . any kind of suggestion is welcome .

*Thanks & Regards*
*Sasmita Panda*
*Network Testing and Software Engineer*
*3CLogic , ph:07827611765*
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