[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS fix_route_dialog crashes

Newlin, Ben Ben.Newlin at inin.com
Tue Jul 26 22:20:32 CEST 2016

I have had 3 OpenSIPS server crashes in the last week. All were due to segmentation faults. I was not able to capture core dumps; I am configuring that now to catch the next crash.

My logs leading up to the crash are full of errors from fix_route_dialog() complaining about invalid URIs for sequential requests:

Jul 26 19:34:02 [220] ERROR:dialog:fix_route_dialog: Failed to parse SIP uri
Jul 26 19:34:02 [220] ERROR:core:parse_uri: bad uri, state 0 parsed: <ip:1> (4) / <ip:;ftag=gK0448f137;lr;r2=on>> (44)

Jul 26 19:11:19 [218] ERROR:dialog:fix_route_dialog: Failed to parse SIP uri
Jul 26 19:11:19 [218] ERROR:core:parse_uri: bad uri, state 0 parsed: <b0i2> (4) / <b0i2yjor;transport=udp<sip:;ftag=7207ce89;lr;r2=on> (65)

Jul 26 17:43:19 [220] ERROR:dialog:fix_route_dialog: Failed to parse SIP uri
Jul 26 17:43:19 [220] ERROR:core:parse_uri: bad uri, state 0 parsed: <ervi> (4) / <ervice_id6fdbc70f-2438-4726-807c-0d081df4d87> (44)

Many times the “URI” displayed in the error message is actually internal OpenSIPS variables, as in the last error above. When they are from the SIP message, I have verified that the messages themselves are correctly formatted. This leads me to believe there is memory corruption occurring.

This all started when I updated my load-balancer servers to use Record-Routing, specifically the “double_rr” mechanism for when multiple interfaces exist. The Record-Routing is occurring on different servers which have not crashed. Only the servers receiving the Record-Routed messages are experiencing the errors.

Here is a piece of the code processing sequential requests. I am using the topology_hiding() functionality of the Dialog module. Are validate_dialog() and fix_route_dialog() still valid in a topology_hiding scenario?

if (t_check_trans())

  if (has_totag())

    if (match_dialog())
      if (!validate_dialog())

      if (is_method("BYE"))

    else if (!isflagset(SEQ_REQUEST))
      if (!is_method("ACK")) {
        route(rlog, LV_ERROR, "check_sequential", "Sequential request not matched");
        route(reply_error, "481", "Call Does Not Exist");


I will attempt to get core dumps of future crashes.

Ben Newlin
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