[OpenSIPS-Users] Binary interface: usrloc replications - restore registrations after node restart

evoip at ukr.net evoip at ukr.net
Mon Feb 29 15:06:54 CET 2016

Hi !

It's really nice option - that now Opensips nodes can replicate "SIP 
registrations" and "Dialogs" between each other w *"bin_listen" options.

I have a few question related to cluster architecture with fail over:


- If one of the "Opensips phone edges" was restarted - can it catch all 
USRLOC registrations through binary interface from alive nodes ?
- if it can't do restoring of the database through binary interface - 
maybe you have an idea how to do that ?


- it's share dialogs information - if one node is suddenly down, can 
call dialog be proceeded on other node ?

With kind regards,

Ewgeny Berladin
Voip Engineer

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