Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Fri Aug 26 11:24:12 CEST 2016

Hi Jeff,

Maybe the version of MDB2 or MDB2::mysql php pear ?

The CP versions are correlated with the OpenSIPS versions. The len field 
was moved to a flag field (in dialplan table) in opensips 1.11, 
corresponding to CP 6.0 (6.1 matches opensips 2.1 and CP trunk matches 
the 2.2)


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 26.08.2016 08:33, Jeff Wilkie wrote:
> I just loaded all the web directory content from git to test but the 
> results are the same.  The config dir for dialplan are the same other 
> than the toggle for 1 on text attributes.  Are there other files/dirs 
> that would affect the dial plan section of CP?  Also, the git download 
> does not include the changes from expression string length to 
> expression flags (5.0 cp)
> Jeff
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
> <bogdan at opensips.org <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>     Hi Jeff,
>     I run some test with the exact code on GITHUB (branch 5.0) and the
>     edit actually worked well (without any further changes).
>     The $link is a variable that is initialized in the included file
>     lib/db_connect.php, so it valid (anyhow, it is used later for the
>     actual query, which works ;) ).
>     Could you check if the return of mysql_real_escape_string() is
>     actually something valid or is it FALSE ?
>     http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3005135/mysql-real-escape-string-just-makes-an-empty-string
>     <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3005135/mysql-real-escape-string-just-makes-an-empty-string>
>     Regards,
>     Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>     OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>     http://www.opensips-solutions.com <http://www.opensips-solutions.com>
>     On 25.08.2016 05:33, Jeff Wilkie wrote:
>>     If I modify the file
>>     /var/www/opensips_cp/web/tools/system/dialplan/dialplan.php and
>>     comment out the following:
>>             // if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()==0){
>>           //                      $match_exp =
>>     mysql_real_escape_string($match_exp, *$link*);
>>             //              }
>>     The updates work fine.  I think noticed that the ref to *$link*
>>     sits below this line in the "modify" section so I decided to
>>     remove the $link ref in the above lines and then uncommented the
>>     lines leaving the modify section like this
>>                     if ($errors=="") {
>>     if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()==0){
>>                                     $match_exp =
>>     mysql_real_escape_string($match_exp);
>>                             }
>>                             $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table.
>>                             " WHERE dpid=" .$dpid. " AND match_exp='"
>>     .$match_exp. "'".
>>                             " AND id!=".$id;
>>                           $resultset = *$link*->queryAll($sql);
>>     Let me know if I've broken something as a result but this appears
>>     to have corrected the problem I was having.  Unknown of any side
>>     effects currently :)  Take a look and let me know your thoughts.
>>     Jeff
>>     On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 6:22 PM, Jeff Wilkie <jwilkie at usipcom.com
>>     <mailto:jwilkie at usipcom.com>> wrote:
>>         Here is what it looks like to my db when I create a DialPlan
>>           20 QuerySELECT * FROM dialplan WHERE dpid=36 AND
>>         match_exp='877'
>>           20 QueryPREPARE
>>         MDB2_STATEMENT_mysql_a9e5e113b009b855c4d690637965bc74 FROM
>>         'INSERT INTO dialplan\n(dpid, pr, match_op, match_exp,
>>         match_flags, subst_exp, \nrepl_exp, attrs) VALUES \n(36, 0,1,
>>         \'877\',0,\'\',\'\',\'.30\')'
>>           20 PrepareINSERT INTO dialplan
>>         (dpid, pr, match_op, match_exp, match_flags, subst_exp,
>>         repl_exp, attrs) VALUES
>>         (36, 0,1, '877',0,'','','.30')
>>           20 QueryEXECUTE
>>         MDB2_STATEMENT_mysql_a9e5e113b009b855c4d690637965bc74
>>           20 ExecuteINSERT INTO dialplan
>>         (dpid, pr, match_op, match_exp, match_flags, subst_exp,
>>         repl_exp, attrs) VALUES
>>         (36, 0,1, '877',0,'','','.30')
>>         This is what happens when I edit that same DialPlan
>>           23 Queryselect * from dialplan where id='9030'
>>           23 Quit
>>           24 QuerySELECT * FROM dialplan WHERE dpid=36 AND
>>         match_exp='' AND id!=9030
>>           24 QueryPREPARE
>>         MDB2_STATEMENT_mysql_880efa45d78ebff7cbf5f617428df4d2 FROM
>>         'UPDATE dialplan SET dpid=36, pr = 0, match_op= 1, match_exp
>>         =\'\', match_flags=0, subst_exp = \'\', repl_exp=\'\', attrs=
>>         \'.30\' WHERE id=9030'
>>           24 PrepareUPDATE dialplan SET dpid=36, pr = 0, match_op= 1,
>>         match_exp ='', match_flags=0, subst_exp = '', repl_exp='',
>>         attrs= '.30' WHERE id=9030
>>           24 QueryEXECUTE
>>         MDB2_STATEMENT_mysql_880efa45d78ebff7cbf5f617428df4d2
>>           24 ExecuteUPDATE dialplan SET dpid=36, pr = 0, match_op= 1,
>>         match_exp ='', match_flags=0, subst_exp = '', repl_exp='',
>>         attrs= '.30' WHERE id=9030
>>           24 QueryDEALLOCATE PREPARE
>>         MDB2_STATEMENT_mysql_880efa45d78ebff7cbf5f617428df4d2
>>           24 Quit
>>         You can see that the container for match_ex is not getting
>>         passed to the '24' SELECT statement which ends in a 0 results
>>         query apparently.
>>         Thanks
>>         Jeff
>>         On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 5:30 PM, Jeff Wilkie
>>         <jwilkie at usipcom.com <mailto:jwilkie at usipcom.com>> wrote:
>>             Yes.  After any edits followed by a save with the
>>             attribute field active as text causes "Matching Regular
>>             Expression" to be deleted.
>>             Thanks
>>             Jeff
>>             On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 5:15 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>             <bogdan at opensips.org <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>>                 Jeff, You mean "Matching Regular Expression", right ?
>>                 upon performing an edit + save where you only changed
>>                 the attrs, the "Matching Regular Expression" gets to
>>                 empty ? Regards,
>>                 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>                 OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>                 http://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>                 <http://www.opensips-solutions.com>
>>                 On 24.08.2016 23:25, Jeff Wilkie wrote:
>>>                 Ok.  The value now displays but if you modify the
>>>                 value and hit save, it kills the regex value upon
>>>                 saving.  Also, you cannot add the regex value back
>>>                 into the row.  All other values appear to be kept.
>>>                 Thanks
>>>                 Jeff
>>>                 On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Bogdan-Andrei
>>>                 Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org
>>>                 <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>>>                     Hi Jeff, I spotted the issue and fixed it on GIT
>>>                     repo. Please give it a try and let me know if it
>>>                     works for you too. Thanks and regards,
>>>                     Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>                     OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>>                     http://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>>                     <http://www.opensips-solutions.com>
>>>                     On 24.08.2016 17:46, Jeff Wilkie wrote:
>>>>                     Yes, The text box is there but when you place a
>>>>                     value in a preexisting dial plan, the result in
>>>>                     the DB is just the value in the text attribute
>>>>                     field with no dial plan information.  By
>>>>                     editing or adding an attribute it kills the
>>>>                     rest of the dial plan that you were editing and
>>>>                     you cannot add the dial plan information back
>>>>                     in via the CP as long as an attribute in text
>>>>                     form is added.  The same does not happen if
>>>>                     using check box.  I can provide pics if you'd
>>>>                     like.  The only var changed is the
>>>>>                     $dialplan_attributes_mode = 1
>>>>                     Jeff Wilkie
>>>>                     Chief Technology Officer
>>>>                     US IP Communications 919.297.1057
>>>>                     <tel:919.297.1057> /"This e-mail communication
>>>>                     and any attachments may contain confidential
>>>>                     and privileged information and is for use by
>>>>                     the designated addressee(s) named above only.
>>>>                     Any files transmitted with it are confidential
>>>>                     and intended solely for the use of the
>>>>                     individual to whom it is addressed. Any views
>>>>                     or opinions presented are solely those of the
>>>>                     author and do not necessarily represent those
>>>>                     of USIPCOM, LLC. If you are not the intended
>>>>                     addressee, you are hereby notified that you
>>>>                     have received this communication in error and
>>>>                     that any use or reproduction of this email or
>>>>                     its contents is strictly prohibited and may be
>>>>                     unlawful. If you have received this
>>>>                     communication in error, please notify us
>>>>                     immediately by replying to this message and
>>>>                     deleting it from your computer. Thank you". /
>>>>                     On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 5:20 AM, Bogdan-Andrei
>>>>                     Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org
>>>>                     <mailto:bogdan at opensips.org>> wrote:
>>>>                         Hi Jeff, You mean you do not get the
>>>>                         Attributes text area at all in the Edit
>>>>                         section ? Regards,
>>>>                         Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>>                         OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>>>                         http://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>>>                         <http://www.opensips-solutions.com>
>>>>                         On 23.08.2016 00:56, Jeff Wilkie wrote:
>>>>>                         New small issue with DIALPLAN in the CP. 
>>>>>                         Running OSIPS 1.10 with CP 5.0
>>>>>                         It appears that when modifying the CP for
>>>>>                         Dialplan attributes as text, they do not
>>>>>                         appear in the edit section once applied. 
>>>>>                         The attributes do show up in the view list
>>>>>                         of dial plans but if you go back to edit
>>>>>                         the attrs again, they are not there.  I
>>>>>                         dot not have the same problem when using
>>>>>                         attrs as checkboxes.  Is there more code
>>>>>                         in the local files that require editing to
>>>>>                         display these values?  Also, if an entry
>>>>>                         in the Dialplan was once a checkbox value
>>>>>                         but I've not converted the mode to text,
>>>>>                         the value does not show up in the text box
>>>>>                         to be edited.
>>>>>                         # Attention : advanced options !!
>>>>>                          //database tables
>>>>>                          $config->table_dialplan = "dialplan";
>>>>>                          $config->results_per_page = 20;
>>>>>                          $config->results_page_range = 5;
>>>>>                          $config->attrs_cb=array(
>>>>>                                                               //
>>>>>                         name , description
>>>>>                         array("a","Descr a"),
>>>>>                         array("b","Descr b"),
>>>>>                         array("c","Descr c"),
>>>>>                         array("d","Descr d"),
>>>>>                         array("e","Descr e"),
>>>>>                         array("f","Descr f"),
>>>>>                                                               );
>>>>>                          $config->cb_per_row = 3;
>>>>>                          $talk_to_this_assoc_id = 1 ;
>>>>>                         // Dialplan - Add/Edit new Translation
>>>>>                         Rule - Attributes input type
>>>>>                         // 0 - checkboxes
>>>>>                         // 1 - text
>>>>>                         $dialplan_attributes_mode = 1  ;
>>>>>                         ?>
>>>>>                         Jeff
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