[OpenSIPS-Users] remove_hf doesn't seem to work in route[b2b_reply]

Louis Rochon lrochon at solacom.com
Thu Oct 15 20:40:30 CEST 2015

remove_hf doesn't seem to work in route[b2b_reply]....Running OpenSIPS 1.11.5 on CentOS 6.

This problem started when I discovered that b2b_init_requests removes the user part of the URI in the Contact: field.

To correct that, did a bit of scripting to correct the outgoing invite:

First, handle contacts manually:
modparam("b2b_logic", "custom_headers", "Priority;Calluid;Geolocation;Geolocation-Routing;Contact")

Second, check out the incoming INVITE, and modify the host part to be the OpenSIPs server itself (

Third, in local_route, remove the incoming contact and replace with my own:
append_hf("Contact: $var(URIwSub)\r\n");

Fourth, send off the invite downstream (to
b2b_init_request("FailOver", "sip:$tU at");

All this works! Great, but the reply route, not:
route[b2b_reply] {
          xlog("b2b_reply Route ($ci)\n");
###Debug Code
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Protocol of received message: $pr\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Body of request/reply: $rb\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Return Code: $rc\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Request Method: $rm\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Reply Reason: $rr\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Reply Status: $rs\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Transport protocol of original R-URI: $oP\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Transport protocol of R-URI: $rP\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Transport protocol of destination uri: $dP\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Destination set: $ds\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Destination uri: $du\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:URI of From header: $fu\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Domain in request's original R-URI: $od\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Request's original URI: $ou\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Username in request's original URI: $oU\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Domain in URI of 'To' header: $td\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Complete Request URI: $ru\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Username in Request URI: $rU\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Username in URI of 'To' header: $tU\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Surname in URI of 'From' header : $fU\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Contact name:$ct.fields(name)\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Contact uri:$ct.fields(uri)\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Contact q param:$ct.fields(q)\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Contact expires:$ct.fields(expires)\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Contact methods:$ct.fields(methods)\n");
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:Contact params:$ct.fields(params)\n");

xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:removed Contact\n");
} else {
xlog(">>>>>B2BRR:DID NOT removed Contact\n");
# xlog("Substituted Contact URI Variable Reply Route:$var(URIwSubRR)\n");
append_hf("Contact: $var(URIwSubRR)\r\n");
#replace_body_all("Contact", "BlaBla");

So in route[b2b_reply], do the same treatment as in the invite. The xlog says that it did remove the Contact, but it's still there, according to wireshark. The append_hf works fine, but the remove_hf never works. I end up with 2 Contact.

Any ideas?

Louis Rochon
Senior Systems Designer
Solacom Technologies
819 205 8100 ext. 274

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