[OpenSIPS-Users] remove function not working for specific contact

Jayesh Nambiar jayesh1017 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 13:31:13 CET 2015

I've been trying to delete specific contact for AOR using the remove
function in the registrar module, but somehow it doesn't remove it from the
My db_mode is 0 as I only want to store it in opensips memory. I hav the
"use_domain" param as 1. On register, the contact gets stored in the
following format:

sip:579e08000 at;rinstance=477b5477848ba584;transport=tcp

I tried multiple ways to remove this:

1) remove("location", "sip:579e08000 at abc.com",
"sip:579e08000 at

2) remove("location", "sip:579e08000 at abc.com", "
sip:579e08000 at")

Also, I'd like to mention that I have an edge proxy in the middle who
proxies the REGISTER to this Registrar and I use the PATH module to route
back reliably. I'm essentially trying to remove location entry for
particular endpoints based on some conditions.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks,

- Jayesh
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