[OpenSIPS-Users] DROUTING module changing Carrier IDs

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Thu Mar 26 16:35:48 CET 2015

ok, no worries :)


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 26.03.2015 17:32, Newlin, Ben wrote:
> Bogdan,
> After further investigation I have found that the characters are an 
> artifact of the syslog daemon on the system. When I run with “fork=no” 
> and “log_stderr=yes” I do not see the characters in the screen output.
> I have also now noticed both newline characters - #015 and #012 – at 
> other places in the logs, which also do not appear when logging to stderr.
> Sorry for the false alarm, but I appreciate the help to point me in 
> the right direction.
> Ben Newlin
> *From:*users-bounces at lists.opensips.org 
> [mailto:users-bounces at lists.opensips.org] *On Behalf Of *Newlin, Ben
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 26, 2015 10:54 AM
> *To:* Bogdan-Andrei Iancu; OpenSIPS users mailling list
> *Subject:* Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] DROUTING module changing Carrier IDs
> Bogdan,
> It did occur to me that the code seemed to be the octal for newline, 
> but I don’t know what the significance of that could be.
> The MI command output does not show the extra characters:
> ~]$ opensipsctl dr carrier_status
> ID:: Level3-VT Enabled=yes
> ID:: IndyEdges Enabled=yes
> I have also verified that the extra characters do not exist in the DB. 
> They are also not returned from the DB when queried from anywhere 
> else, and even the DROUTING module does not return the extra 
> characters for any of the other string fields it is returning, only 
> the Carrier ID.
> Ben Newlin
> *From:*Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [mailto:bogdan at opensips.org]
> *Sent:* Thursday, March 26, 2015 10:02 AM
> *To:* OpenSIPS users mailling list; Newlin, Ben
> *Subject:* Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] DROUTING module changing Carrier IDs
> Hi Ben,
> If you run the "dr_carrier_status" MI command, do you see the same 
> #012 in the ID of the carrier ? #012 is '\n' - are you sure you do not 
> have it by mistake in DB ?
> Regards,
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
> OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
> http://www.opensips-solutions.com
> On 25.03.2015 21:53, Newlin, Ben wrote:
>     I am using OpenSIPS 1.11 and I am recently getting some weird
>     behavior from the DROUTING module. The module is corrupting the
>     Carrier ID that is being returned via AVP. This behavior is
>     occurring only with the Carrier ID, not the gateway or rule IDs,
>     and only when it is returned from the DROUTING module via
>     dr_is_gw() or do_routing(). If I query the database directly using
>     AVPOPS, the Carrier ID is returned correctly.
>     I have the following configuration. The startup_route was added
>     specifically for this issue.
>     ####  Dynamic ROUTING module
>     loadmodule "drouting.so"
>     modparam("drouting", "db_url", "CFG_DB_URL")
>     modparam("drouting", "persistent_state", DISABLE)
>     modparam("drouting", "probing_interval", ENABLE)
>     modparam("drouting", "force_dns", ENABLE)
>     modparam("drouting", "ruri_avp", '$avp(dr_ruri)')
>     modparam("drouting", "gw_id_avp", '$avp(dr_gw_id)')
>     modparam("drouting", "gw_priprefix_avp", '$avp(dr_gw_prfx)')
>     modparam("drouting", "rule_id_avp", '$avp(dr_rule_id)')
>     modparam("drouting", "rule_prefix_avp", '$avp(dr_rule_prfx)')
>     modparam("drouting", "carrier_id_avp", '$avp(dr_carr_id)')
>     .
>     .
>     .
>     startup_route {
>       avp_db_query("select carrierid from dr_carriers", "$avp(ids)");
>       for ($var(id) in $(avp(ids)[*]))
>         xlog("L_INFO", "Carrier ID: $var(id)\n");
>     }
>     .
>     .
>     .
>     route[get_route]
>     {
>       if (!do_routing("$avp(dr_group)", "", , "$var(rule_attr)",
>     "$var(gw_attr)", "$var(carr_attr)"))
>       {
>         xlog("L_ERR", "get_route: failure from do_routing! $retcode\n");
>         route(reply_error, "500", "Server Internal Error");
>       }
>       xlog("L_INFO", "get_route: rule_attr - $var(rule_attr)\n");
>       xlog("L_INFO", "get_route: gw_attr   - $var(gw_attr)\n");
>       xlog("L_INFO", "get_route: carr_attr - $var(carr_attr)\n");
>       xlog("L_INFO", "get_route: ruri      - $avp(dr_ruri)\n");
>       xlog("L_INFO", "get_route: gw_id     - $avp(dr_gw_id)\n");
>       xlog("L_INFO", "get_route: gw_prfx   - $avp(dr_gw_prfx)\n");
>       xlog("L_INFO", "get_route: rule_id   - $avp(dr_rule_id)\n");
>       xlog("L_INFO", "get_route: rule_prfx - $avp(dr_rule_prfx)\n");
>       xlog("L_INFO", "get_route: carr_id   - $avp(dr_carr_id)\n\n");
>     }
>     The output from the above execution is:
>     opensips[9801]: Carrier ID: IndyEdges
>     opensips[9801]: Carrier ID: Level3-VT
>     opensips: INFO:core:daemonize: pre-daemon process exiting with 0
>     opensips[9801]: get_route: rule_attr -
>     opensips[9801]: get_route: gw_attr   -
>     opensips[9801]: get_route: carr_attr - id=pai;history=hi
>     opensips[9801]: get_route: ruri      - <null>
>     opensips[9801]: get_route: gw_id     - Level3-VT1
>     opensips[9801]: get_route: gw_prfx   - +
>     opensips[9801]: get_route: rule_id   - 4
>     opensips[9801]: get_route: rule_prfx - 1
>     opensips[9801]: get_route: carr_id   - Level3-VT#012
>     You can see that the string ‘#012’ has been appended to the
>     Carrier ID. So far it has always been that string appended to the ID.
>     It started occurring after I moved from a RHEL 7 server using
>     MariaDB to a RHEL 6 server using MySQL, but in both cases I am
>     using the provided OpenSIPS scripts to create all database tables.
>     Any help would be appreciated.
>     Ben Newlin
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