[OpenSIPS-Users] NAT problem

xiaofeng wasphin at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 04:52:47 CEST 2015

Hi everyone,

I have a public IP(106.x.x.x), a OpenSIPS(192.168.1.x) and two SIP
UAC(192.168.2.x/192.168.3.x),  the OpenSIPS and UACs are all behind NAT but
not the same NAT.

I configure my route to use the public IP, and forward all packets to my

1. The UACs register to 106.x.x.x, and registered sucessfully.
2. UACs can send/receive 'INVITE' and '200 OK' properly.

What's the problem is:
1. UAC cannot sent/receive 'ACK', as the UAC tries to send 'ACK' request to
the other peer directly. When use nathelper, the UAC tries to send 'ACK' to
192.168.1.x, which still has problems.
2. The RTP cannot send properly, try rtpproxy with no luck. (The rtpproxy
and OpenSIPS run ont the same machine.)

The opensips.cfg is some like the nathelper.cfg which is in the
OpenSIPS/examples/ directory.

Any one can help? Thanks in advance


gpg key fingerprint:
C84F 671F 70B7 7330 4726  5EC8 02BC CBA2 5E63 005B

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                         +-----------------------+                                         +---------------+
                         |       internet        +-----------------------------------------+   public IP   | 
                         +-----------------------+                                         +---------------+
                            /                 \                                                    | directly forward to OpenSIPS
                          /                     \                                          +----------------+
                        /        3G/4G/LTE/WiFi   \                                        |    OpenSIPS    |
                      /                             \                                      +----------------+
                    /                                 \
                  /                                     \
         +-----------+                               +-----------+
         | mobile #1 |              ...              | mobile #N |
         +-----------+                               +-----------+

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