[OpenSIPS-Users] PHP script to check OpenSIPs status in Nagios

Carlos Oliva carlos.oliva at invoxcontact.com
Thu Jul 30 08:46:43 CEST 2015

Hi list:

I've just uploaded to Nagios Exchange a little script made in PHP for
command line that can check OpenSIPs status using mi_xmlrpc_ng.

This script read the stats of shmem, pkmem, net and usrloc and based
in results can trigger alarms and return performance data in Nagios
format so you can use it to graph the results using pnp4nagios or

If somebody find it useful and wants to modify or publish the script
wherever you want, fell free to do it, as is released as GNU/GPLv3.

Here is the link to Nagios Exchange page:


and a direct link to the script:


Hope you find it useful.


Carlos Oliva

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