[OpenSIPS-Users] Radius Integration

Gomtesh Jain gomtesh at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 09:11:45 CET 2015

I am trying to integrate opensips (1.10.1) with freeradius(2.1.12) .In
 opensips.cfg :

loadmodule "auth_aaa.so"
modparam("auth_aaa", "aaa_url",

loadmodule "aaa_radius.so"

When I try to test with my sip phone, opensips passes the details to radius
successfully and radius sends Access-Accept
in response, but opensips gives following error :

ERROR:aaa_radius:rad_send_message: SIP-AVP was not found in the radius
ERROR:auth_aaa:aaa_authorize_sterman: authorization failed

In /etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary, I have includeded :

$INCLUDE /etc/raddb/dictionary.opensips
$INCLUDE /etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary.sip

In dictionary.opensips, SIP-AVP is given as:

ATTRIBUTE SIP-AVP              225  string

Can anyone help me in getting the cause of this error
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