[OpenSIPS-Users] Issue in storing Dialog Variables into the Database (Postgresql)

John Nash john.nash778 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 16:40:39 CET 2015

bytea. I am using version 8.4 of postgresql.

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org>

>  Hi John,
> In the definition of your "dialog" table, the "vars" field has "bytea" or
> "text" type ?
> Regards,
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
> OpenSIPS Founder and Developerhttp://www.opensips-solutions.com
> On 28.12.2014 11:37, John Nash wrote:
>  One more update
>  I just now checked dialog parameter "modparam("dialog",
> "db_flush_vals_profiles", 1)" and used it (Probably i should have used it
> in a first place) after that I get the error when opensips tries to insert
> dialog into the database.
> ERROR:db_postgres:db_postgres_submit_query: 0x7f544ad0ec20 PQsendQuery
> Error: ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe0c79f
> HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the
> encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by "client_encoding".
>  Query: insert into dialog
> (dlg_id,callid,from_uri,from_tag,to_uri,to_tag,caller_sock,callee_sock,start_time,mangled_from_uri,mangled_to_uri,state,timeout,caller_cseq,callee_cseq,caller_ping_cseq,callee_ping_cseq,flags,vars,profiles,script_flags,module_flags,caller_route_set,callee_route_set,caller_contact,callee_contact
> )
> values (17240765013518,'0a1dc58ac1104d588471e1c898a040bd','
> sip:98116181 at','523d873f92eb40c38a58f90c9474cab9','
> sip:222222222222 at
> ','42A53A43-549FC7E00003E7B0-778D1700','udp:','udp:
> Billing_4444|',0,0,NULL,NULL,'sip:98116181 at;ob
> ','sip:;transport=udp')
> On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 1:27 PM, John Nash <john.nash778 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> no it is bytea. I also tried changing it to text but results are same.
>> On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org
>> > wrote:
>>>  Hi John,
>>> I see you also open a ticket on this:
>>>     https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/issues/398
>>> I suppose your dialog table does have a reasonable size constrain for
>>> the vars column, right ?
>>> Regards,
>>> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>> OpenSIPS Founder and Developerhttp://www.opensips-solutions.com
>>>  On 22.12.2014 09:27, John Nash wrote:
>>>     I am using Opensips with dialog module and using DB as Postgresql.
>>> I am using modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 1). At the time of dialog creation
>>> I am also setting values to some dialog variables which I can see with mi
>>> fifo commands.
>>>  My issue is when i run a select query and try to see "vars" column
>>> contents (I set vars column data type as text for simplicity), I do not see
>>> all information stored. It seems to be truncated. I see like below ...
>>> "accX_table#acc|accX_flags#5 DB_MISSED_FLAG DB_FLAG CDR_FLAG
>>> FAIL_TRANS_FLAG|accX_db# " (There is some special character at the end)
>>>  On the other hand when i see dialog using mi fifo command I see full
>>> list of variables.
>>> accX_table:: acc
>>> accX_db:: \b\x00\x00\x00\x1d\x00sip:test at$\
>>> x00sip:919811618189 at\x00sip:11025919811618189 at\x0e\x00192.168.3.1
>>> <http://x00sip:919811618189@>
>>> ?\x00\x00\n\x001419221825
>>> accX_leg:: \x00\x00\x00\x00
>>> accX_core:: \x06\x00INVITE
>>> \x0052a5e031f1fa4a50883cf14fcfb0dfb1"\x007C34DE52-54979B3E000CEDFB-4BCFC700\x00e26faa1c7c654b1dbe6b1d86a12b2e61\x03\x00200\x02\x00OK\b\x00E\x9b\x97T\x00\x00\x00\x00
>>> accX_created:: >\x9b\x97T\x00\x00\x00\x00
>>> caller_IP::
>>> ring_time:: 1419221825
>>>  Somehow values after accX_db are not being stored into the DB.
>>>  Any ideas?
>>>  John
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