[OpenSIPS-Users] 477 Request Failure

Nabeel nabeelshikder at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 16:53:21 CET 2015


After about 15 minutes of idle registration, call attempts fail with '477
Request Failure'.  In the first 15 minutes after registration, the calls
connect fine.   Please advise on possible cause of this and how to
troubleshoot.  I am using TLS.  Error log is below:

ERROR:core:tcp_connect_blocking: timeout 99438 ms elapsed from 100000 s
ERROR:proto_tls:tls_sync_connect: tcp_blocking_connect failed
ERROR:proto_tls:proto_tls_send: connect failed
ERROR:tm:msg_send: send() for proto 3 failed
ERROR:tm:t_forward_nonack: sending request failed
ACC: call missed:
491384150620 at;code=477;reason=Request Failure
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