[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS installation problem

Sandeep Sharma sandeep.s at imimobile.com
Wed Sep 17 11:33:07 CEST 2014


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Thanks & Regards
Sandeep Sharma
IMImobile Plot 770, Rd. 44 Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500033.
T +91 9912244250 - Ext: 251

From: Sandeep Sharma 
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2:59 PM
To: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu ; OpenSIPS users mailling list 
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS installation problem


Thank, for your reference I am attaching opensips script which is placed in /etc/init.d folder and opensips_residential.cfg please to check if all necessary parameter is modified accordingly.

opensips_residential.cfg path /usr/local/opensips_proxy/etc/opensips

Please let me know if any other input is required.

Thanks & Regards
Sandeep Sharma
IMImobile Plot 770, Rd. 44 Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500033.
T +91 9912244250 - Ext: 251

From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:56 PM
To: Sandeep Sharma ; OpenSIPS users mailling list 
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS installation problem

Hi Sandeep,

It looks like your init.d/opensips does not contain the proper path to the opensips binary . Check for something like:

And be sure the path is pointing to the right destination.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
http://www.opensips-solutions.comOn 16.09.2014 20:45, Sandeep Sharma wrote:


  After reinstalling different version of mysql devlopment package problem sorted out & below are o/p:-
  [root at linux rpm]# mysql_config --libs
  -rdynamic -L/usr/lib64/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm -L/usr/lib64 -lssl –lcrypto

  But while starting opensips scripts from /etc/init.d its giving below error

  root at linux init.d]# ./opensips start
  ./opensips: line 96: -f: command not found
  Starting opensips: 

  Seems –f command in PTIONS="-P $PID_FILE -m $S_MEMORY -M $P_MEMORY -u $USER -g $GROUP" -f /usr/local/opensips_proxy/etc/opensips/opensips_residential_2014-9-16_19:54:59.cfg is not working.

  Please to have your attention and thanks in advance.

  Thanks & Regards
  Sandeep Sharma
  IMImobile Plot 770, Rd. 44 Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500033.
  T +91 9912244250 - Ext: 251

  From: Sandeep Sharma 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 3:55 PM
  To: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu ; OpenSIPS users mailling list 
  Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS installation problem


  Can you please confirm whether to install mysql 32 bit or 64 package on CentOS 5.8 64 bit machine also is there any mysql version dependencies for open SIP (right now 5.5.39 is installed).

  Thanks & Regards
  Sandeep Sharma
  IMImobile Plot 770, Rd. 44 Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500033.
  T +91 9912244250 - Ext: 251

  From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 2:44 PM
  To: Sandeep Sharma ; OpenSIPS users mailling list 
  Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS installation problem

  Funny, the mysql_config should report the /usr/lib64/mysql/ dir and not /usr/lib64 ... Looks like a problem with your mysqlclient package...


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
http://www.opensips-solutions.comOn 16.09.2014 11:59, Sandeep Sharma wrote:


    I can locate libmysqlclient.so in /usr/lib64/mysql50/mysql/ and /usr/lib/mysql50/mysql/ folder as per below o/p:-

    [root at linux lib64]# locate libmysqlclient.so

    Thanks & Regards
    Sandeep Sharma

    From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
    Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 1:19 PM
    To: Sandeep Sharma ; OpenSIPS users mailling list 
    Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS installation problem

    According to "mysql_config", the libmysqlclient library should be under "/usr/lib64". Do you have an "libmysqlclient.so" in there ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
http://www.opensips-solutions.comOn 16.09.2014 10:45, Sandeep Sharma wrote:


      Below are o/p (I am unable to locate lmysqlclient in my system but all mysql related rpm are installed).

      [root at linux db_mysql]# mysql_config --libs
      -L/usr/lib64 -lmysqlclient -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl

      [root at linux db_mysql]# locate lmysqlclient

      Thanks & Regards
      Sandeep Sharma
      IMImobile Plot 770, Rd. 44 Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500033.
      T +91 9912244250 - Ext: 251

      From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
      Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 1:02 PM
      To: Sandeep Sharma ; OpenSIPS users mailling list 
      Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS installation problem

      As it got the linking part, I suppose you have the mysql devel header files. But the linking failed as the mysqlclient library was not found.
      Could you check where that lib is located on your system ?

      Also, do you have "mysql_config" installed on your system ? if yes, what is the output of "mysql_config --libs"


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
http://www.opensips-solutions.comOn 16.09.2014 10:24, Sandeep Sharma wrote:


        Below are error if make modules is executed:-

        [root at linux opensips-1.11.2-tls]# make modules
        which: no lynx in (/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/dialogic/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_43/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)

        make[1]: Entering directory `/home/san/opensip/opensips-1.11.2-tls/modules/db_mysql'
        Linking db_mysql.so
        /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient
        collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
        make[1]: *** [db_mysql.so] Error 1
        make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/san/opensip/opensips-1.11.2-tls/modules/db_mysql'
        make: *** [modules] Error 2

        Thanks & Regards
        Sandeep Sharma
        IMImobile Plot 770, Rd. 44 Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500033.
        T +91 9912244250 - Ext: 251

        From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 
        Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 12:44 PM
        To: OpenSIPS users mailling list ; sandeep.s at imimobile.com 
        Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPS installation problem


        And what happens if you run "make modules" from command line ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
http://www.opensips-solutions.comOn 16.09.2014 07:10, Sandeep Sharma wrote:

          Hi Team,

          I am facing necessary library generation problem while compiling & below are detail:-

          Opensips version used: opensips-1.11.2-tls
          OS: CentOS 5.8 64 bit

          While Compile And Install OpenSIPS through make menuconfig no files are generated in module folder.

          [root at linux modules]# ll
          total 0

          Thanks in advance

          Thanks & Regards
          Sandeep Sharma


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