[OpenSIPS-Users] Product Question....

Ozz Nixon ozzn at 3flabs.com
Wed May 28 17:10:45 CEST 2014

I am wanting to see if OpenSIPS is what I need, or is there something else I should be using, thanks:

Q. I want to have multiple asterisk/freePBX boxes send/receive calls...
	i.	The uplink's SIP Trunk is pushing all INVITEs to my server.
	ii.	However, all Asterisk/PBX systems reside on other networks.

	So, I would like to check my "Is Online" type DB, if it is only - redirect the SIP/RTP to the PBX.

	If not online, redirect to a CATCH-ALL PBX.

	iii.	On outbound, if in my "Is Online" then redirect to the uplink's SIP Trunk.

My goal to support thousands of calls, without being in the middle for the RTP streams - just for the SIP.

Is that possible, or is there a better product for this???

Thanks again!

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