[OpenSIPS-Users] 回复: opensips failed during startup! Do i lost modules?

toasterisk at gmail.com toasterisk at gmail.com
Wed May 21 02:17:25 CEST 2014

Hello, Tito:
Finally i solve this issues. after i read the doc from opensips, the url_db module have been removed in 1.8. and I disabled that. 

发件人: Tito Cumpen
发送时间: 2014-05-20 16:37
收件人: OpenSIPS users mailling list
主题: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users]回复: opensips failed during startup! Do i lost modules?
Uri_db is not a module i do see that uri.so is in your modules dir though. Once you load the asterisk integration config make sure you change the path to /usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/ rather than the one in the config. Once you have done that set debug to 6 and past the log errors in this thread.

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 3:30 AM, toasterisk at gmail.com <toasterisk at gmail.com> wrote:
hello, Tito:
thanks for your input. my mpath is under--- mpath="/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/"
and under this directory, there are many modules:
root at opensips-1:/usr/local/lib/opensips# cd modules/ 
root at opensips-1:/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules# ls 
acc.so closeddial.so enum.so msilo.so ratelimit.so sst.so 
alias_db.so db_flatstore.so event_datagram.so nathelper.so registrar.so statistics.so 
auth_aaa.so db_mysql.so exec.so nat_traversal.so rr.so stun.so 
auth_db.so db_text.so gflags.so options.so rtpproxy.so textops.so 
auth_diameter.so db_virtual.so group.so path.so seas.so tm.so 
auth.so dialog.so imc.so pdt.so signaling.so uac_auth.so 
avpops.so dispatcher.so load_balancer.so peering.so sipcapture.so uac_redirect.so 
b2b_entities.so diversion.so mangler.so permissions.so sipmsgops.so uac_registrant.so 
benchmark.so dns_cache.so maxfwd.so pike.so siptrace.so uac.so 
cachedb_local.so domainpolicy.so mediaproxy.so presence_callinfo.so sl.so uri.so 
call_control.so domain.so mi_datagram.so presence_xcapdiff.so sms.so userblacklist.so 
cfgutils.so drouting.so mi_fifo.so qos.so speeddial.so usrloc.so 
root at opensips-1:/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules#
But there is no "uri_db.so" and in the source file, there is no url_db module.
my version is 1.8.2-tls version and compile with make all command. Am I missing something?  

发件人: Tito Cumpen
发送时间: 2014-05-20 12:13
收件人: OpenSIPS users mailling list
主题: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users]回复: opensips failed during startup! Do i lost modules?
Make sure your modules directory is correct. Make sure you notice the differences in both configs as far as directories are concerned. I presume this is the issue you are incurring. 
#set module path

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:09 PM, toasterisk at gmail.com <toasterisk at gmail.com> wrote:
I used default cfg file, there is no error when startup. 
But when i use the example cfg from this link :
I will get the errors.

发件人: toasterisk at gmail.com
发送时间: 2014-05-19 21:42
收件人: opensips
主题: opensips failed during startup! Do i lost modules?
hello, all of friends:
I try to compile with this link for my opensips and asterisk:
I compile the opensip by make all, it should compiled all modules.
but i use the example opensips.cfg from the link, when start the opensips, the system logs show 
there are many error with modules:
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: <is_method> not found 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: CRITICAL:core:yyerror: parse error in config file /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg, line 113, column 20-21: unknown command <is_method>, missing loadmodule? 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: <is_method> not found 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: <is_method> not found 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: CRITICAL:core:yyerror: parse error in config file /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg, line 116, column 27-28: unknown command <is_method>, missing loadmodule? 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <record_route>(0) in module rr [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: <is_method> not found 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: <is_method> not found 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: CRITICAL:core:yyerror: parse error in config file /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg, line 126, column 21-22: unknown command <is_method>, missing loadmodule? 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <t_check_trans>(0) in module tm [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <t_relay>(0) in module tm [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <send_reply>(2) in module signaling [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: <is_method> not found 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: <is_method> not found 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: CRITICAL:core:yyerror: parse error in config file /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg, line 146, column 18-19: unknown command <is_method>, missing loadmodule? 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: <append_hf> not found 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: CRITICAL:core:yyerror: parse error in config file /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg, line 190, column 19-20: unknown command <append_hf>, missing loadmodule? 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: <is_method> not found 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: <is_method> not found 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: CRITICAL:core:yyerror: parse error in config file /usr/local/etc/opensips/opensips.cfg, line 196, column 18-19: unknown command <is_method>, missing loadmodule? 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <www_authorize>(2) in module auth_db [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <www_challenge>(2) in module auth [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <check_to>(0) in module uri [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <send_reply>(2) in module signaling [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <save>(1) in module registrar [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <sl_reply_error>(0) in module sl [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <send_reply>(2) in module signaling [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <is_from_local>(0) in module domain [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <send_reply>(2) in module signaling [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <t_relay>(0) in module tm [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <lookup>(1) in module registrar [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <t_on_failure>(1) in module tm [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <t_relay>(0) in module tm [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <sl_reply_error>(0) in module sl [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <t_was_cancelled>(0) in module tm [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <t_check_status>(1) in module tm [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: DBG:core:find_cmd_export_t: found <t_relay>(0) in module tm [/usr/local/lib/opensips/modules/] 
May 19 21:17:16 opensips-1 opensips: ERROR:core:main: bad config file (17 errors)  
Does anyone know this problem? please give me the hit.


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