[OpenSIPS-Users] json module issues

Kurtis Heimerl kheimerl at cs.berkeley.edu
Tue Jul 8 02:01:25 CEST 2014

Hey All,

I seem to be having some very simple issues with the json module. The
following code in my config:

$json(k) := "[1,2]";
xlog("L_ERR","Kurtis $json(k)");

Is producing the following output:

Jul  7 23:59:00 NAME /usr/sbin/opensips[6379]: Kurtis2 <null>

This looks to be as simple as I can get a json command, but I can't figure
out why it's null. Changing the  ":=" to a "=" and the "[1,2]" to a "4"
works, but that's just a normal variable. Anyone know what's up?

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