[OpenSIPS-Users] opensips b2b $ci set

M.Khaled W Chehab kchehab at icucall.com
Tue Feb 25 00:06:17 CET 2014


I am using b2buac module with topology hidding  is there a way to set  the
$ci  instead of let opensips generate it  for ex:  b2b_reply
(B2B.361.6489307)  i want it to be b2b_reply (B2B.361.opensips)



route[b2b_request] {

  xlog("b2b_request ($ci)\n");




route[b2b_reply] {

  xlog("b2b_reply ($ci)\n");





route[1] {

                # for INVITEs enable some additional helper routes


                if (is_method("INVITE") && !(src_ip == "


  b2b_init_request("top hiding");




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