[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSips as simple frontend to Asterisk to deal with NAT

Rudy Eschauzier reschauzier at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 18 11:57:24 CET 2014

My Asterisk appliance works poorly with NATed clients. Now I'd like to run OpenSips on my internet-facing router to help the NAT performance. Although I understand that OpenSips is the preferred choice for registrating clients, the fact that the Asterisk appliance is a closed box forces me to find an alternative.

What I would like is the following:

-Run OpenSips on the router
-Have OpenSips act as a stateless proxy, only forwarding and mangling messages
-Handle all registration requests on the Asterisk box
-Make sure NATed clients can be are kept alive & can be reached
-Avoid OpenSips database use (not to overload the router)
-Not use a RTP proxy (the public RTP ports can be forwarded to Asterisk, so clients can talk directly to the PBX)

This way, from a user perspective nothing will change in the setup, except that OpenSips takes care of NAT.

Is this at all possible?

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