[OpenSIPS-Users] Verify dialog via OPTIONS ping

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Thu Feb 6 19:06:57 CET 2014

Hello Bastian,

If the UA receives an OPTIONS (or any other sequential requests) inside 
a dialog that does not exists anymore, it must reply with 481 
Call/Transaction Does Not Exist - this is the only legitim reply from 
the RFC3261 perspective.

If not doing this -> there is buggy UA


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 30.01.2014 23:20, Bastian Schern wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have some problems with the dialog pings in OpenSIPS 1.10.
> Most times dialog is working well but in some rare cases the dialog 
> will hung.
> E.g. this will happen if the BYE messages of both UAs were missed by 
> the OpenSIPS server.
> I'm using create_dialog( "pPB" ) to verify the dialog by the OpenSIPS 
> server. In this case the server sends OPTIONS to both UA to verify the 
> dialog.
> If the OPTIONS request will be send inside the dialog the reply has a 
> SDP body. If the call was already terminated for the UA the OPTIONS 
> reply is also generated. The only difference is that the reply has no 
> SDP body. In this case it checks only if the UAs are reachable and 
> OpenSIPS will not destroy the dialog.
> IMHO this looks very strange for me.
> Does anybody has an idea to solve this problem?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Bastian
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