[OpenSIPS-Users] Setting do_routing

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Wed Feb 5 18:54:49 CET 2014

Hello Nick,

See route_to_carrier() in DR:

No need for the carrierroute module.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 05.02.2014 14:56, Nick Cameo wrote:
> Hello Vlad,
> Thank your for your response. I know you are just getting this email 
> right now, and I really appreciate your help.
> It seems for route_to_carrier we need to be using the carrier module 
> however we are using DR.
> From what I understand in the docs, both `route_to_gw`, and 
> `route_to_carrier` accept a single ID. What I have is a
> comma separated gwlist (ie, 7,1,4) that I need fired in that specific 
> sequence, and failing over to the next gateway id
> in the list.
> Another approach is to do it in my perl script however, documentation 
> and example for that are scarce. How I think
> it would be done is using the `$message->rewrite_ruri` however, how do 
> I know if the relay to a gateway failed in perl?
> while (gws in list) {
>      while (fail=1) {
>           fail = $message->rewrite_ruri($carriergw)
>      }
> }
> Of course I would rather avoid the perl approach and just use a DR 
> function that is capable of performing the said functionality.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been struggling with 
> this for a while now, and it's the final piece of the pie!!!! :)
> Thank in Advance,
> Nick.
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