[OpenSIPS-Users] Event BYE

Răzvan Crainea razvan at opensips.org
Fri Dec 19 09:22:58 CET 2014

Hi, Kalala!

If you are using the cdr_flag[1], the BYE will be automatically accounted.
If you want to do accounting manually, you can "catch" the generated BYE 
in local route. Something like this:

local_route {
     if (is_method("BYE"))
         acc_aaa_request("200 BYE received");

Best regards,

Răzvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Solutions

On 12/18/2014 03:39 PM, Kalala Alexander wrote:
> I have this all inclusive, but you did not understand me ....
> modparam("acc", "aaa_flag", "FLT_ACC")
> if(is_method("INVITE")){
> setflag(FLT_ACC);
> create_dialog("B");
> $DLG_timeout = 6;
> xlog("L_NOTICE"," DIALOG $DLG_timeout sec\n");
> }
> if(loose_route()){
> if(is_method("BYE")){
> setflag(FLT_ACC);
> setflag(FLT_ACCFAILED);
> }
> $DLG_timeout sends BYE which does not pass through the config. 
> Accordingly setflag(FLT_ACC) is not satisfied !!!
> 18.12.2014, 16:17, "Răzvan Crainea" <razvan at opensips.org>:
>> You can achieve this by using acc module and the CDR[1] flag, as well 
>> as setting the aaa_flag[2].
>> If you really want to send a message to the Radius server, see the 
>> acc_aaa_request() function[3].
>> [1] http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/1.12.x/acc#id295374
>> [2] http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/1.12.x/acc#id294452
>> [3] http://www.opensips.org/html/docs/modules/1.12.x/acc#id295543
>> Best regards,
>> Răzvan Crainea
>> OpenSIPS Solutions
>> www.opensips-solutions.com  <http://www.opensips-solutions.com/>
>> On 12/18/2014 02:07 PM, Kalala Alexander wrote:
>>> Yes I can.
>>> if(is_method("INVITE")){
>>> create_dialog("B");
>>> $DLG_timeout = 6;
>>> xlog("L_NOTICE"," DIALOG $DLG_timeout sec\n");
>>> }
>>> After the break (BYE) I need to send a packet to STOP Radius 
>>> (Billing) server.
>>> radius_send_acct("stop");
>>> 18.12.2014, 14:56, "Răzvan Crainea" <razvan at opensips.org> 
>>> <mailto:razvan at opensips.org>:
>>>> Can you please tell us in words what you are trying to achieve?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Răzvan Crainea
>>>> OpenSIPS Solutions
>>>> www.opensips-solutions.com  <http://www.opensips-solutions.com/>
>>>> On 12/18/2014 12:20 PM, Kalala Alexander wrote:
>>>>> How to implement this feature in openSIPS?
>>>>> event_route[tm:local-request] {
>>>>> xlog("L_INFO", "event_route $rm\n");
>>>>> if(is_method("BYE"))
>>>>> {
>>>>> # Account BYE transactions
>>>>> xlog("L_INFO", "event_received_BYE from $fU to $tU\n\n");
>>>>> acc_rad_request();
>>>>> };
>>>>> }
>>>>> /--
>>>>> С уважением/
>>>>> /Инженер по телекоммуникациям /
>>>>> /Калала Александр /
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>>>>> /life: 375256819996//
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>>>>> /skype: klistrod
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>>>>> //
>>>>> /VoIP Network Engineer
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>>> С уважением/
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>>> /Калала Александр /
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>>> /life: 375256819996//
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>>> /skype: klistrod
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>>> //
>>> /VoIP Network Engineer
>>> dCAP, CCNAVoice
>>> Kalala Alexander/
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> /--
> С уважением/
> /Инженер по телекоммуникациям /
> /Калала Александр /
> /vel: 375291146285/
> /life: 375256819996//
> /
> /skype: klistrod
> /
> //
> /VoIP Network Engineer
> dCAP, CCNAVoice
> Kalala Alexander/
> http://callcenters.by/ //
> http://skytel.by/
> http://voiplab.by/
> http://asterisk-pbx.by/
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