[OpenSIPS-Users] Acc module /Bug

M.Khaled W Chehab kchehab at icucall.com
Thu Apr 24 10:25:41 CEST 2014

HI Razvan,

Yes I am using Dialog with topology hiding ,how can I check the matching for ACK and BYE between opensips and gateway, I have a wireshark  capture for both  legs   .


-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at lists.opensips.org [mailto:users-bounces at lists.opensips.org] On Behalf Of Razvan Crainea
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 5:39 PM
To: users at lists.opensips.org
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Acc module /Bug

Hi, Khaled!

You should first check what is the problem with that ACK that is ignored by the Gateway. I presume you are using dialog support and most likely, the ACK and the BYE are not matched by OpenSIPS.

Best regards,

Razvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Core Developer

On 04/16/2014 12:26 PM, M.Khaled W Chehab wrote:
> Hi,
> I notice that opensips is not hanging up the call when a bye is 
> received from client as it forward the BYE to gateway and gateway send 
> a 200 ok back ,
> furthermore  i can see a bad behavior from gateway which is opensips 
> forward the  ACK  from UA after  200 OK with SDP is  received  from 
> gateway to gateway  and the gateway send again and again 200 ok with 
> SDP , besides opensips forward it to client and reply back to gateway 
> with ACK 10 times
> Problem:  When opensips  receive  a bye from UA it does not  hang-up 
> the call  and wait till max call duration to send a bye to gateway  
> then gateway reply by  481 transaction does not exist ,and the record 
> stored in acc table
> can this be a bug , I am using
> version: opensips 1.10.0-notls (x86_64/linux)
> MAX_URI_SIZE 1024, BUF_SIZE 65535
> poll method support: poll, epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select.
> @(#) $Id$
> main.c compiled on 13:21:19 Oct 24 2013 with gcc 4.7
> please advise
> regards
> *From:*M.Khaled W Chehab [mailto:kchehab at icucall.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 15, 2014 4:24 PM
> *To:* (users at lists.opensips.org); (users-bounces at lists.opensips.org)
> *Subject:* Acc module
> Hi
> I have a problem with accc modules with  the below scenario :
> OPENSIPS  receive the 200 ok from the trunk  gateway ,and forward it 
> to UA,
> UA replies by ACK and opensips forward this ACK to Gateway ,..but for 
> some reason the Gateways resends a lot of 200 OK with SDP and opensips 
> relay these packets to UA and UA replies  with ACK …..
> *Problem: Acc module set the call duration to 3600 seconds which is 
> the max call duration *
> By wire shark i can see that UA is sending a bye after 2 minutes  and 
> opensips  relay  the BYE to Gateway moreover  trunk gateway is sending 
> back 200 OK  to confirm the bye and it ends the call
> But in mysql acc  rows ,   acc module  store  the call duration to max
> call duration(3600)
> How can I fix this ,please advice
> Regards
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