[OpenSIPS-Users] Question about registrar, usr_loc module

Julian Santer julian.santer at rolmail.net
Wed Sep 11 14:56:40 CEST 2013


we used OpenSips 1.8.2 not 1.8.4 (which doesn't exists ;-) ).
I did an update do 1.8.3 and no if I relay the register to both server, 
both server handle it correct.
So for me the problem is solved.

Best regards,

Julian Santer

Am 03.09.2013 19:30, schrieb Julian Santer:
> Hi,
> we are developing now our new SIP loadbalanced, partial failover
> infrastructure.
> For this we have:
> - 2 edge server (OpenSips 1.8.4), DNS SRV edge.sld.tld
> - 2 core server (SEMS 1.4.3 as SBC, announcements, redirects,
> accounting), DNS SRV core.sld.tld
> - 2 "pstn" server (OpenSips 1.8.4), DNS SRV pstn.sld.tld
> - 2 MySql 5.1 Master-Master
> All OpenSips and the Sems server are using the same MySql server, so
> there shouldn't be any problems with duplicate entries. Our
> webapplications are using the other MySql server.
> The registrar module runs in db_mode 2:
>      modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
> Our clients send the register to the 2 edge server, they include the
> path header:
>      NO NAT: add_path()
>      NAT: add_path_received()
> Then the register is relayed to the pstn server.
>      $du = "sip:pstn.lab.sld.tld";
>      t_relay();
> The pstn server saves the register:
>      save("location", "vp1")
> Our PSTN carrier sends all incoming calls, to the edge server.
> The edge server relays the received calls to the core server (SBC).
> Here we make a new call (Topology hiding) which will be send to the pstn
> server. The pstn server relays the call back to the edge server (path
> header) and the edge server relay to the client.
> The problem is, that the second pstn server misses to check the DB and
> rejects the call (480 User offline).
> Example:
> UAC, send register -> edge1, relay register -> pstn1, save
> OK) PSTN carrier, incoming call -> edge1, relay -> core1, relay ->
> pstn1, relay -> edge1, relay -> UAC
> KO) PSTN carrier, incoming call -> edge2, relay -> core2, relay ->
> pstn2, 480 User offline
> Why pstn2 doesn't check the DB?
> Have you some suggestions to solve this issue?
> I tried to relay the register to both pstn server:
>      $du = "sip:pstn1.lab.sld.tld";
>      t_relay();
>      $du = "sip:pstn2.lab.sld.tld";
>      t_relay();
> In the tcpdump I see that the register is relayed to both pstn server.
> But one pstn server ignores the register.
> Thank you for your help.
> Best Regards,
> Julian Santer

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